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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.72「ペットについて話す🐈」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.72

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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Instagram: momoko.nihongo

2021年6月3日(木)今日の天気は晴れのち雨。気温は29度です。かなり蒸しています。蒸している = humid

湿度が高い(humidity is high) 蒸し暑い(humid and hot) などいろいろな言い方があります。

むしむししている = humid もいいですよ。むしむし。




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How to talk about your pets to others.


ペットを飼う = to have a pet

You can say ペットがいる、ペットがいます but ペットを飼う makes clear that you are taking care of your pets.

飼う は「買う(buy)」じゃないですからね、同じ音ですが違う漢字を使っています。


子供の時は金魚と亀を飼っていました。金魚:gold fish, かめ:turtle


私は動物が好きですが、怖いのであまり触れません。(さわる:to touch)

あなたのペットは、どんなペットですか?説明できますか?Can you describe your pets?

説明する: to explain, to describe



あなたのペットの種類はなんですか?種類:kind, type

What kind of pet do you have? どんなペットを飼っていますか?




















「ばか」or「おばか」(おばか is more soft):silly, foolish







Energetic, smart, and cute but… he is sometimes lazy and mean.

—> 元気で頭がよくてかわいいですが・・・時々ちょっとなまけもので、いじわるです。


Kind, cheerful and independent, but … she is very stubborn and sometimes a bit silly.

—> やさしくて陽気で自立していますが・・・、とても頑固でときどきちょっとバカです。





Thursday, June 3, 2021 Today’s weather is sunny and then rainy. The temperature is 29 degrees. It’s quite steamed. Steaming = humid There are many ways to say it, such as “humidity is high” and “humid and hot”. Humid = humid is also good. Mushimushi.

If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, please use Instagram. Patreon also makes special episodes. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out. If you have any requests, go check and follow my Instagram. I also make some special episodes for my Patreon.


Today’s topic is “Talk about your pet”! How to talk about your pets to others.

Do you have pets, everyone? Keep a pet = to have a pet You can say have pets, have pets but keep pets make clear that you are taking care of your pets. Keeping is not “buy”, so it sounds the same but uses different kanji.

By the way, do you all have pets? I don’t have one. When I was a kid, I had goldfish and turtles. Goldfish: gold fish, turtle: turtle But my parents didn’t like animals so much that I didn’t have dogs or cats. I like animals, but I don’t touch them much because I’m scared. (Touch: to touch)

What kind of pet is your pet? Can you explain? Can you describe your pets? Explain: to explain, to describe Learn how to explain your pet to others today. ______

What kind of pet are you? Type: kind, type What kind of pet do you have? What kind of pet do you have? Dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, hamsters, fish, turtles … what’s more?

What kind of personality does the pet have? Personality: characteristic

For example, if you have a good personality “Gentle”: kind “Smart” or “smart”: smart “Sociable”: socialable “Careful”: cautious “Genki”: energetic “Health”: healthy “Positive” or “Positive” positive “Bold”: adventurous “Cheerful”: cheerful “Faithful”: loyal “Independent”: independent

There are various things. But what if you have a slightly bad personality? What is your slightly negative personality?

“Shy” or “shy”: shy “Stupid” or “stupid” (stupid is more soft): silly, foolish “Tweaking”: mean “Noisy”: noisy “Sloth”: lazy “Selfish”: selfish “Stubborn”: stubborn

Did you understand? So, for example, your dog … Energetic, smart, and cute but… he is sometimes lazy and mean.  It’s energetic, smart and cute, but sometimes it’s a little lazy and messing around.

Okay. Then next is a cat. Cats are cute, aren’t they? But what kind of personality do you have? The cat is··· Kind, cheerful and independent, but… she is very stubborn and sometimes a bit silly.  Gentle, cheerful and self-reliant, but very stubborn and sometimes a little stupid.

Yes, how is it? Did you understand? If you like, please tell us about your pet.

see you later!




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