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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.51「パリ症候群(しょうこうぐん)」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.51

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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憧れる:to long for something, to adore…








〜に影響を受ける:to be influenced by…



がっかりする:to be disappointed

でもこれ、日本人が勝手にパリの良いイメージを作り上げて、現実を見たとたんに勝手にがっかりしてますね。勝手に:as you like, on your own

Japanese people just make a good image of Paris and they get disappointed when they come and see the real.




When something of Paris is showed on Japanese TV, you only see the good points of Paris.








Wednesday, April 7, 2021 Today’s weather is sunny! It’s very warm. I will go running after work. It’s been a long time, so I’m looking forward to it.

Thank you for requesting the Asa Radio topic. For Patreon members, I’ll answer the question in the video. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out.

Thank you for your request, and thank you supporting my work on Patreon. You can find the Japanese and English scripts on my website.


Today’s topic is “Paris Syndrome”!

It’s an interesting topic, it’s interesting because I haven’t really thought about it. Interesting: interesting

Paris Syndrome is a shock when a person who longs for Paris lives in Paris, which is completely different from the image! That’s right. Longing for: to long for something, to adore…

What kind of image do you have in Paris? Beautiful buildings, delicious French wine and French food, good-smelling baguettes, gentle French, cool and sexy French … Is it such an image?

For Japanese people who have never been to Paris, Paris may look like this. But when I looked it up on the internet, I found more interesting information. Information: information According to Wikipedia … Japanese people, especially girls, in their twenties and thirties who have never been to Europe, are influenced by French films, books and magazines. Affected by: to be influenced by… Therefore, some people who go to Paris for the first time may think that “French people walking in the city are beautiful like models!” Or “Everyone has a Louis Vuitton bag or wallet!” is.

Then he goes to Paris and sees the real Paris, and he is disappointed. Disappointed: to be disappointed

But as soon as the Japanese created a good image of Paris and saw the reality, they were disappointed. Arbitrarily: as you like, on your own Japanese people just make a good image of Paris and they get disappointed when they come and see the real. So it’s not Paris’s fault at all.

The causes of Paris Syndrome are movies, books, fashion magazines, Japanese TV media, and dramas. Certainly, when I introduce Paris on Japanese TV, I only show the good points of Paris. When something of Paris is shown on Japanese TV, you only see the good points of Paris.

Therefore, Japanese people may be prone to Paris syndrome.

Not only in Paris, but in other countries as well. There may also be Prague syndrome. Prague is also a beautiful and historic city. Prague is amazing! beautiful! After I went to Prague, I thought that Prague was such a city … You might be disappointed. Lol

How do you feel? Did you have Japan Syndrome or Japan Syndrome? Lol

Thank you for listening today. see you later!




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Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.123 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

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