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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.43「私が行った国(くに)」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.43

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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2021年3月24日(水)今日の天気は晴れ!気温は21度です。いい天気なので洗濯物を干しました。洗濯する = to do laundry 洗濯物 = laundry 干す = to hang to dry

でも、今日の朝、大変なことがあったんです。私のアパートの庭に、猫の大きいうんちがありました!うんち = poo ちょっとショックでしたね。がんばってうんちを捨てました。くさかったです。





About the countries that I have ever been.



若い頃:when I was young、貧乏:poor 貧乏旅行:to travel on a little budget




日本から飛行機で5時間くらいだと思います。島 = island


16歳の時、オーストラリアのタウンズビルという街に行きました。これは、私が初めてホームステイを経験した国です。経験する = to have an experience





18歳の時、カナダのバンクーバーへ留学しました。留学する:to study abroad

大学の留学プログラムを使って、夏休みに行きました。なので、夏休みにバンクーバーの大学で、1ヶ月の特別な授業を受けることができました。(授業を受ける:to attend the class)





私、何回ホームステイしたんだろう?今、ふりかってみると、すごい経験をしていますね。笑(ふりかえる:to look back)

20歳の時、カンボジア、ベトナム、そしてタイに行きました。私はこの旅行で、初めてバックパッカーを経験しました。いや〜、この時は本当に怖いもの知らずでしたね。「怖いもの知らず」というのは、people who are not afraid of anything. 「ばか」とほとんど同じ意味ですね。笑



21歳の時、チェコへ1年間の留学をしに行きました。チェコ:Czech republicです。








Wednesday, March 24, 2021 Today’s weather is sunny! The temperature is 21 degrees. The weather was nice so I dried the laundry. Laundry = to do laundry Laundry = laundry Dry = to hang to dry But this morning, I had a hard time. There was a big cat poop in the yard of my apartment! Poop = poo It was a little shocking. I did my best and threw away the poop. It was awkward.

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Today’s topic is about the countries I’ve been to. About the countries that I have ever been.

I have always loved traveling. Especially when I was young, I enjoyed traveling abroad even if I didn’t have much money. When I was young: when I was young, poor: poor Travel on a little budget Today, I would like to share my travel memories with you. Memories: memory


I went to Saipan when I was 10 years old. Saipan is one of the American islands near Guam. I think it’s about 5 hours by plane from Japan. Island = island It is a small island with a beautiful sea. I think I went to summer vacation with my family two or three times.

At the age of 16, I went to a town called Townsville, Australia. This is the country where I first experienced homestay. Experience = to have an experience At this time, I spoke English with native people outside of Japan for the first time, and I became very fond of English. I still keep in touch with my homestay sister at the time.

At the age of 17, I went to Paris, France with my mother. A French friend I met in Kyoto told me to come to France, so I really went there, and for Christmas. Lol. But when I went to Paris, he was really kind and showed me around various places. it was fun.

At the age of 18, I studied abroad in Vancouver, Canada. Study abroad: to study abroad I went to summer vacation using the university study abroad program. So, during the summer vacation, I was able to take a special one-month class at a university in Vancouver. (Take a class: to attend the class) I also had a homestay so it was a lot of fun.

At the age of 19, I went to Slovakia, Czech Republic, and England. The summer vacation at Nihon University is long, so it’s the best time to study abroad. One of my relatives is married to a Slovak, and I had a homestay at the Slovak family’s house. However, my Slovak family introduced me to my Czech friends, so I was able to have a homestay in Czech. It was a lot of fun. After homestaying in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, I went straight to a summer school in London and went to a language school for three weeks to study English. Actually, I did a homestay in London as well. How many times have I been homestayed? Looking back, you have a great experience. Lol (look back: to look back)

At the age of 20, I went to Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand. I was the first backpacker on this trip. No, I didn’t know anything really scary at this time. “People who are not afraid of anything.” Is almost the same as “stupid.” Lol For example, staying at a cheap, dirty, keyless hostel for 500 yen, drinking alcohol at a bar with strangers until morning, sitting on the road and eating 100 yen ramen bought at a stall, etc. I was invited by someone who wasn’t there and climbed up to the top of the mountain with a motorcycle taxi … But actually, I went with a Japanese friend, so it was okay. It might have been really dangerous if I was alone. .. ..

At the age of 21, I went to the Czech Republic to study abroad for a year. Czech: Czech republic. In a year, I studied European history and culture, as well as English and Czech. Czech universities had winter and summer vacations, so I traveled to different countries with my friends during those vacations. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Poland, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden …

Then I lived in the Czech Republic until I was 28 years old. After receiving the coronavirus vaccine, I would like to travel freely again.

see you later.




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Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.123 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

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