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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.13「モーニングルーティン」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.13














それから、窓を開けます。空気を入れ替える(change out the air)ためです。

次に、紅茶を作るためにお湯を沸かします。お湯を沸かす = to boil the water




お湯が沸いたら、紅茶を作ります。紅茶には、必ず (100%) 牛乳を入れます。みなさんはどうですか?紅茶とかコーヒーに牛乳を入れますか?

で、ちょっとストレッチをしたら、窓を閉めて、ベッドを整えます(整える = to fix, tidy up, to make a bed)

その後は、着替えて、ようやく椅子に座れます。(ようやく = finally)

椅子に座ったら、あさラジオのスクリプトを書きます。だいたい20分から30分くらいかかります。それができたら、iPhoneで録音します。(録音 = record)

録音ができたら、MacのアプリGarage Bandを開いて、(開く = open)音楽をつけたり、カットしたりして編集します。(編集する = to edit)









Thanks Google Sensei

Thursday, February 4, 2021 Today’s weather is cloudy and sometimes sunny, and the current temperature is 0 degrees, but it seems that it will rise to 11 degrees at noon. It looks good after jogging. The time I woke up today is 7 o’clock! I slept well today.

Thank you to those who made requests on Instagram! If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, check out my Instagram story. If you want to see the Asa Radio script, check out my homepage. There are Japanese and English scripts. I uploaded a new Youtube video yesterday! Check it out! ________

Today’s topic is the morning routine.

Morning routine is called morning routine in Japanese, and night routine is called night routine. But of course, you can use it in katakana as it is.

Today I’m going to talk about my morning routine, which may be a little boring. Lol

In the morning, especially lately, I’ll do my best to get up early and turn on the lights first. Then open the window. This is to change out the air. Next, boil water to make black tea. Boil the water = to boil the water Then, if the kitchen is dirty, wash the dishes and cups. Go to the washroom (bathroom), wash your face, and then set your hairstyle. After brushing your teeth, make up. I don’t take much time to make up, I can do it in 5 minutes or 10 minutes at the longest. When the water is boiling, make tea. Be sure to add (100%) milk to black tea. How do you feel? Would you like to add milk to your tea or coffee? So, after stretching a little, close the window and prepare the bed (to fix, tidy up, to make a bed) After that, I can change my clothes and finally sit in a chair. (Finally = finally) After sitting in the chair, write a script for Asa Radio. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes. Once you’ve done that, record it on your iPhone. (Recording = record) Once you’ve recorded, open the Mac app GarageBand (open = open) to add or cut music for editing. (Edit = to edit) When you’re done editing, put the script on your home page and then use an app called Ancher to upload your podcast. It will take about an hour to reach this point. It takes about an hour and a half when it is long. And finally the work starts. My lessons start around 9 or 10 every day.

Yes, how was it? My morning routine. Weekday routines are almost the same, like this. What does your morning routine look like? I want you to tell me.

I hope you have a good day today. See you!




あさラジオ Ep.125「私の好きなアート」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.125 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

あさラジオ Ep.124「外国語のイメージ」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.124 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

あさラジオ Ep.123「夏休み(なつやすみ)」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.123 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

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