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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.101「クリスマスイブ」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.101

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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Instagram: momoko.nihongo





Happy newsとあさラジオのアカウントを別々にしました。






スクリプトはmomoko-to-nihongo ウェブサイトで見れますよ。

If you have any requests, go check and follow my Instagram.

You can see scripts in my website.



やっぱり:as you expect, as you see



家に呼ぶ:to invite someone to home



めっちゃ:very much

食べすぎる:I eat too much

で、カードゲームもしました。Exploding kittens というゲームです。知っていますか?

Explode は日本語で「爆発する」といいますから、このゲームは日本語で「爆発子ねこ」ですね。

Kitten は小さい子供の猫だから、日本語で「子猫」といいます。


盛り上がる:to get excited


予想:expectation, 以上:more than

予想以上:more than I expected

そのケーキ、うちの近くの古いケーキ屋さんで買ったんですけど、パティシエがおじいちゃん(old guy)で、その時はお店にあまりお客さんが来てなかったし、「このケーキ本当に美味しいかな?」とちょっと不安だったんですよ。

I bought the cake at an old cake shop near my place, but the pastry chef was an old guy, and there weren't many customers in the store at that time. I was a little worried.









Saturday, December 25, 2021

Today's weather is sunny and cloudy. The temperature is 11 degrees Celsius.

Merry Christmas!

I've set up separate accounts for Happy news and Asa Radio.

I still want to keep Asa Radio going.

It's fun to talk about topics from listeners.

Then, from January to March, I'll be giving group and private lessons.

If you're interested in learning Japanese in my class, check out the website.

If you'd like to request a topic for Asa Radio, please do so on Instagram.

You can find the script on the momoko-to-nihongo website.

You can see scripts in my website. _______

Today's topic is "Christmas" after all.

I knew it: as you expect, as you see

What did you do for Christmas?

I invited my friends to my house on Christmas Eve and we had a home party!

To invite someone to home: to invite someone to home

I bought KFC chicken and Christmas cake, and then we had cookies, roast beef, corn mayonnaise, and grilled vegetables.

It was really good. I ate a little too much.

Very much: I ate too much.

I ate too much: I ate too much

We also played a card game called Exploding kittens. Do you know it?

Explode" means "to explode" in Japanese, so this game is "Exploding Kittens" in Japanese.

Kitten is a small child cat, so it's called "kitten" in Japanese.

Everyone was drinking sparkling wine or beer, so the card game was even more exciting than usual. LOL!

To get excited: to get excited.

Also, I was surprised to find that the Christmas cake tasted even better than I expected.

expected: expectation, more than: more than I expected

more than I expected: more than I expected

I bought the cake at an old cake shop near my house, but the patissier was an old guy, and there weren't many customers at that time. I was a little worried.

I was a little worried, but the cake was really good! The cake was decorated with Santa and had a cute design.

I received gifts such as earrings, expensive lotion, and delicious tea. I was very happy.

Merry Christmas!

Please keep Asa Radio in your prayers.

See you soon.

Translated with (free version)




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Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.125 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

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Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.124 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

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Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.123 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

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