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あさラジオ Ep.84「大学院(だいがくいん)」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.84

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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1ヶ月ぶり:it’s been 1 month since I posted my podcast last time.



大学院は、graduate school, a grad school, graduate university.



せっかくだし:it is a good chance to do…

Since I study for an exam of a grad school = せっかくだし、せっかくの機会だし



学士号 = bachelor degree

学士を取った後で、ほとんどの人は就職します。就職する = 仕事を見つけて、会社で働き始める。, to find a job and start working.

日本語で、master degree, doctor degree は何というか知っていますか?

Master は「修士」または「修士号」、doctor は「博士」または「博士号」といいます。


卒業する:to graduate


大学院に入るためのテストは「入学試験」-> 「入試」といいます。

Entrance exam: 入学試験、入試


大学院では日本語教育(Japanese education)を勉強したいと思っています。


If I failed an exam, I would give up going to a grad school, and become a teacher again.




Thursday, September 2, 2021: Today’s weather is rainy and the temperature is 32 degrees.

Hey everyone, it’s been a while! It’s been just about a month. It’s been a month since I posted my podcast last time. How are you?

I’ve been a little busy studying to get into a graduate school in Japan. Graduate school is graduate school, a grad school, graduate university. So, I haven’t had much time to update the podcast. Sorry about that.

Since I’ve been busy, I thought I’d talk about graduate school today! It is a good chance to do… Since I study for an exam of a grad school = it is a good chance to do…


In Japan, you can usually earn a “bachelor’s degree” after four years of study at a university. Bachelor degree = bachelor degree After earning a bachelor degree, most people find a job. Get a job = find a job and start working for a company.

Do you know what master degree and doctor degree are called in Japanese? Master is “master” or “master’s degree” and doctor is “doctor” or “doctor’s degree”.

I graduated from a university about six or seven years ago and received a bachelor’s degree. To graduate: to graduate Then, after I became a Japanese teacher, I wanted to study again, so I started studying to enter a graduate school.

The test to enter a graduate school is called “entrance exam” -> “entrance examination”. Entrance exam: entrance test, entrance examination

This entrance exam is held in September, so I’ve been studying for it lately. Oh no. It was hard work.

I would like to study Japanese education in graduate school. If I failed an exam, I would give up graduate school and go back to work at a school as a Japanese teacher. If I failed an exam, I would give up going to a grad school, and become a teacher again.

For now, I’ll do my best until all the exams are over! I’ll see you later.




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