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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.66「日本の定番デートスポット」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.66

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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2021年5月20日(木)今日の天気はくもりのち雨、気温は22度です。また雨か〜。最近はほとんど毎日雨が降っていますね。もう梅雨入りしたんでしょうか。梅雨:rainy season, 梅雨入りする:the rainy season has begun ですね。




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恋人:someone whom you love, whom you date with


そうですね、私は実は東京で生まれて東京で育ったので、(I was born and grew up in Toyko)まずは、東京のデートについて話しますね。

東京でデートすることになったら、だいたい何かアクティビティを提案することが多いですね。提案する:to suggest


動物園:Zoo, 水族館:Aquarium, 遊園地:Amusement park です


おしゃれ:stylish, fashionable, fancy


There are so many places to go out.

日本語の「遊ぶ」は、to play という意味ですが、ほかにもto hang out, to go out という意味があります。

When you want to say “I’ll go hang out with friends”, これは「友達と遊びに行く」といいます。


学生の場合(in case of students)、学生カップルの定番のデートはどんなデートでしょうか?

定番の:classic, common




プリクラを知っていますか?これは:print club という写真を撮る遊びです。

写真を特別な機械で撮ったら、その写真のシールを作ることができます。シール:sticker ですね。

Puri-kura is that you can take a photo with a special machine and make a stickes of that photo.


社会人の場合(In case of adults / working people)

社会人:people who work, 社会 = society ですから、a member of society という意味ですけど、これは働いている人のことを意味します。


高級でおしゃれなレストランで食事をしたり、(高級:high-class restaurant)車をレンタルしてドライブしたり、温泉デートをして一緒にホテルに泊まったり・・・。




When I lived in Tokyo, if I was invited to take a walk in the park as a date, I would think, “Well, that’s it?”, But now I really love taking a walk in the park, so…. Maybe I’m not so young anymore.






Thursday, May 20, 2021 Today’s weather is cloudy and then rainy, with a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius. Is it raining again? It’s been raining almost every day these days. Is it already raining? Rainy season: rainy season, rainy season: the rainy season has begun. I wonder if the rainy season has begun. I think it’s usually June, but this year is a little early.

If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, please use Instagram! Yesterday I uploaded a special episode of Patreon. Please check it if you like. Please remember, these podcast programs are made possible by the financial support of our members, thank you very much. And if you’re listening to Apple Podcasts, be sure to write a review. Thank you.


Today’s topic is “Japanese dating”! Thank you for your request.

Do you guys have a date? Of course, dates are in English. Going somewhere with your favorite person or lover is called a date. Lover: someone whom you love, whom you date with Where do you always go and what do you do when you date your lover?

Well, I was actually born and grew up in Tokyo, so (I was born and grew up in Toyko) First, let’s talk about dates in Tokyo.

When it comes to dating in Tokyo, I usually suggest some kind of activity. Suggest: to suggest For example, shopping in Harajuku or Shibuya, going to the movies, going to zoos, aquariums, amusement parks, etc. Zoo: Zoo, Aquarium: Aquarium, Amusement park: Amusement park After that, live music, go to fashionable restaurants, drive … Fashionable: stylish, fashionable, fancy

There are many places to play in Tokyo! There are so many places to go out. “Play” in Japanese means to play, but it also means to hang out, to go out. When you want to say “I ’ll go hang out with friends”, this is called “going to play with friends”.

When you go out on a date, do something fun! I often go to a special place.

If you are a student (in case of students), what is the standard date for a student couple? Classic: classic, common Students don’t have money, but they have a lot of time. So I think I’ll have a date that doesn’t cost much. Well, maybe after school I would go to Harajuku, eat ice cream, crepes and tapioca, do window shopping together, watch a movie at the cinema when I have time, and have a coffee together at Starbucks. I wonder if After that, if you are a high school student, I think you will go to take a photo booth. Do you know the photo booth? This is a play called: print club to take pictures. Once you have taken a photo with a special machine, you can make a sticker for that photo. Sticker: It’s a sticker. Puri-kura is that you can take a photo with a special machine and make a stickes of that photo. This is a popular play for high school students.

In case of adults / working people Working people: people who work, society = society, so it means a member of society, but this means people who are working.

Of course, working people and working people have money, so you can do various things on a date! Eat in a high-class and fashionable restaurant, rent a car (high-class restaurant) for a drive, have a hot spring date and stay at a hotel together.

Sounds good~. Dates are fun, aren’t they? I think there aren’t many Japanese people who take a walk in the park on a date. When I lived in Tokyo, when I was asked to take a walk in the park, I thought, “Well, that’s it?”, But now I also love taking a walk in the park. When I lived in Tokyo, if I was invited to take a walk in the park as a date, I would think, “Well, that’s it?”, But now I really love taking a walk in the park, so…. Maybe I ‘m not so young anymore. I wonder if I’m not young anymore. Lol

How about a date in your country? Where do you go and what do you do?

Thank you for listening today. See you!




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Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.123 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

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