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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.52「花見(はなみ)の始まり」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.52

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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今日のお昼ご飯のために、初めてウーバーイーツ Uber eats を使ってみました。





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You can find the Japanese and English scripts on my website.



〜するようになる:to start something regularly です

花見をするようになる:to start doing Hanami regularly

花見を始める:to start doing Hanami (maybe only once)




どうして?なんて、考えたことがありませんでしたね。I have never thought why people started Hanami, because it is very natural to do that when we are surrounded by lots of flowers and trees.





梅の木:plum tree です。


奈良時代:Nara era (710-794) 、貴族(きぞく):nobleman, rich people、中国から来た梅:plum tree from China





花見では、ただ花を見るだけじゃなくて、(not only seeing flowers) 団子を食べたり、お茶を飲んだり、踊り(ダンス)をしたりしていました。


そして、普通の人(normal people)がお花見をするようになった、いや、お花見をできるようになったのは、江戸時代になってからだそうです。

〜できるようになった:to start being able to do…

江戸時代:Edo era (1603〜1868)


江戸時代の前も、もちろん普通の人も桜や梅を見ることができました。Of course the normal people could see flowers even before the Edo period.

でも、人々は歌ったり踊ったりお茶を飲んだりしないで、お祈りをしていたそうです。They didn’t sing, dance or enjoy tea, but they actually prayed in front of trees.

この時代、春はとても大切な季節でした。長い冬が終わって、ようやく新しい食べ物を育てることができるからです。Spring was the important season at that time, because this is the season when people could finally start growing foods.




Friday, April 9, 2021 Wow, Friday! Today’s weather is sunny and sometimes cloudy. The temperature is 17 degrees. I’m staying in Nara now, but I feel that Nara is colder than Kyoto. The wind is cold, especially in the mornings and nights, so I still have to wear a winter coat.

I tried Uber eats for the first time for today’s lunch. You will receive the curry when the lesson is over. I’m looking forward to it.

Thank you for requesting the Asa Radio topic. For Patreon members, I’ll answer the question in the video. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out.

Thank you for your request, and also thank you for your support on my Patreon. You can find the Japanese and English scripts on my website.


Today’s theme is “Why did Japanese people come to see cherry blossoms?”! To start something regularly To start doing Hanami regularly Start cherry blossom viewing: to start doing Hanami (maybe only once)

Why did the Japanese come to see cherry blossoms? I got the question from a listener. I wonder why. There are many trees and flowers in Japan, so it seems normal to see the cherry blossoms. .. .. why? I had never thought about it. I have never thought why people started Hanami, because it is very natural to do that when we are surrounded by lots of flowers and trees.


I searched on Google. When, how, and why did the cherry blossom viewing culture begin? Then I found it interesting.

It seems that the cherry blossom viewing was not cherry blossoms at first, but plum blossoms. Plum tree: It’s a plum tree. A long time ago, aristocrats from the Nara period began to enjoy plum blossoms from China. Nara period: Nara era (710-794), aristocrats: nobleman, rich people, plums from China: plum tree from China

The first cherry blossom viewing was a special event that only aristocrats (nobleman) could enjoy. Special: special

After that, 100 or 200 years later, cherry blossoms became more popular than plum blossoms. People began to plant many cherry trees, and the great aristocrats and samurai of the past began to enjoy cherry blossom viewing even more.

At cherry-blossom viewing, we not only saw flowers, but also (not only seeing flowers) eating dumplings, drinking tea, and dancing. It’s still the same. We also enjoy cherry blossom viewing, singing and dancing, drinking tea and beer, and eating candy.

And it seems that it wasn’t until the Edo period that normal people started to see cherry blossoms, no, they could see cherry blossoms. ~ Now you can: to start being able to do… Edo period: Edo era (1603-1868) Only aristocrats and samurai enjoyed cherry blossom viewing, but in the Edo period, it seems that ordinary people (finally) can enjoy tea and dance while watching cherry blossoms.

Even before the Edo period, of course, ordinary people could see cherry blossoms and plum blossoms. Of course the normal people could see flowers even before the Edo period. But people were praying instead of singing, dancing or drinking tea. They did n’t sing, dance or enjoy tea, but they actually prayed in front of trees. Spring was a very important season at this time. After a long winter, we can finally grow new food. Spring was the important season at that time, because this is the season when people could finally start growing foods.

Yes, thank you for your hard work this week as well. Have a nice weekend, everyone. see you later.




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Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.123 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

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