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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.47「日本語、上手ですね!」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.47

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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2021年3月31日(水)もう3月も終わりですね。今日の天気は晴れ。最高気温は21度です。昨日はの朝は頭が痛くて、あさラジオをおやすみしてしまいました〜。。 でも、もう大丈夫です。また今日から頑張っていきましょう!









Today, I would like to talk about why Japanese people say “日本語上手ですね〜 ” to foreigners who can speak Japanese.




一つ、みなさんに知ってほしいことがあります。それは、日本人は外国の人をばかにしているわけじゃないということです!People are not making fun of foreigners who speak Japanese.



そして、日本語頑張ってください!と、応援したい気持ちにもなります。応援する:to cheer for


感激(かんげき)する:to be impressed


努力:effort , 驚く:to be surprised



不愉快になる:to feel unpleasant (= 不快に思う)

少なくない:it is not few




めんどくさい:annoying, troublesome,

それから、顔が日本人っぽくない人でも、日本でうまれた人なら日本語が普通に話せるはずですよね。(・・・っぽい:looks like )



田舎:country side, めずらしい:rare, unusual







March 31, 2021 (Wednesday) March is already over. The weather today is sunny. The maximum temperature is 21 degrees. I had a headache yesterday morning and I went to sleep on Asahi. .. But it’s okay already. Let’s do our best again from today! Thank you for requesting the Asa Radio topic. Thank you for Patreon’s support. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out. _______

Today’s topic is … “You’re good at Japanese!” Lol It’s a strange topic. This is not the topic you requested, but the topic I thought of myself. Have you ever been told that you are good at Japanese? Today, I would like to talk about why Japanese people say “You are good at Japanese” to foreigners who can speak Japanese. Today, I would like to talk about why Japanese people say “You are good at Japanese ~” to foreigners who can speak Japanese.

Yesterday, when I took a questionnaire on Instagram, 42% of people were happy to hear that they were good at Japanese, hmm. 58% of people think that. After all, there are surprisingly few people who are happy to be told that they are good at Japanese. ________

There is one thing I would like you to know. That is, the Japanese are not fooling foreigners! People are not making fun of foreigners who speak Japanese.

The biggest reason to say “You are good at Japanese” is that you are studying a difficult and minor language like Japanese! Because I think. (Language: language) Most Japanese should be happy that foreigners study Japanese. And please do your best in Japanese! It also makes me want to support. Support: to cheer for

So, in most cases, I’m just impressed with the words, “Wow, awesome, you studied Japanese! I’m glad. Please do your best! I support you!” I think. Impressed: to be impressed As everyone knows, Japanese is not such an easy language, unlike English, it is not a language that many people can speak, and it takes time and effort to study, so I’m sure Japanese people are like that. I think I was surprised. Effort: effort, surprised: to be surprised


However, there are many people who are uncomfortable when they say, “You are good at Japanese!” Become unpleasant: to feel unpleasant Not a few: it is not few

For example, you’ve lived in Japan for a long time and have studied Japanese well. I’m sure that people who have lived in Japan for 5, 10 or 20 years and have worked at Japanese companies have probably been told about 100 times that they are good at Japanese. Such a person is, “Hello, Tom is” the first time I met Japanese Toka say only “Wow, Japanese it is good!” Nante to be said is, but it is a little troublesome. Annoying: annoying, troublesome,

Also, even if you don’t look like Japanese, if you were born in Japan, you should be able to speak Japanese normally. (… like: looks like) For example, even if your mother is Australian and your father is Japanese and your face is a little different from Japanese, I think it’s normal to be able to speak Japanese if you’ve lived in Japan since you were little, but you’re still good at Japanese. You may be told, “Hey.” In Japan, especially in the countryside, it’s rare for foreigners to live there. Countryside: country side, rare: rare, unusual


By the way, when I lived in Czech, I was told about 100 times that I was good at Czech! Lol But actually, I was happy. The reason is that I really worked hard to study Czech, and since Czech is a difficult language, there were really few Japanese who could speak it. So when I was told, “I’m good at Czech,” I replied, “Ufufu, right?” Lol

Yes, have a nice day today! see you later.




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