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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.44「私の好きなゲーム」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.44

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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英語では、video gameというと思いますが、日本語では「ゲーム」または「テレビゲーム」と言うことの方が多いです。







やっぱり、めちゃめちゃハマったゲームは、ファイナルファンタジーシリーズですね。めちゃめちゃ = とても(very much)、ハマる = to be into, crazy about something, これもカジュアルな表現です。






ジョブチェンジができて、色々なジョブを試すことができるのが本当に楽しかったです。試す = to try

FF7も最高ですよね。キャラクターそれぞれの個性がストーリーをもっと面白くしています。(個性:personality)FF7は、プレステ4でリメイク版も出しました。(出す = to release)


FF9と10も、もう本当にストーリーが最高なんですが、他にも色々紹介したいゲームがあるので、また今度お話します。(最高:the best,amazing)



ゼルダはもう子供の時からずっと好きだったんですが、最新(the latest)のニンテンドーSwitchで出た(released)Breath of the wildが、もうやばかったですね。やばい:crazy, awesome

Breath of the wildはオープンワールドのRPGなので、他の街に入ったりしてもロードする必要がないんですね。だから、本当にその世界をどこまでも自由に探索することができます。探索する: explore


みなさんももちろんプレイしましたよね、時のオカリナ(ocarina of time)とムジュラの仮面(Majora’s mask)これはとても古いゲーム、もう20年以上も前のゲームなのに、Breath of the wild のオープンワールドと変わらないスタイルで、とても自由に動けるんですよね。それは本当にすごいことだと思います。







それは、The last of us です。これはゾンビのホラーアクションゲームです。たぶんアメリカのゲームだと思います。

いや、実は私はホラーとかゾンビとか大嫌いで、ホラー映画も怖くて全然見たことがないんですが、なぜかthe last of usは最後まで一人でプレイできました。本当に怖くて、いつも泣きそうになりながらプレイしていたんですけど、(Every time I playing it, I was almost crying)ストーリーが面白くて、それからアクションがそんなに難しくなかったので楽しくプレイできました。

いやー、これは私の初めてのゾンビゲーム体験だったので、忘れられません(I can never forget)

あ〜 またゲームがしたくなってきた。

最近は忙しくて全然ゲームしていないんですけど、この前弟がゲームを送ってくれました。Nintendo switchのペーパーマリオとゼルダの伝説夢を見る島、です。みなさんはもうこのゲームをプレイしましたか?




Thursday, March 25, 2021 Today’s weather is cloudy and then rainy. It’s 16 degrees, but the wind is a little cold. It’s already Thursday, isn’t it? Let’s do our best today as well!

Thank you for requesting the Asa Radio topic. Thank you for Patreon’s support. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out.


Today’s topic is my favorite video game! In English, I think it’s a video game, but in Japanese it’s more often called a “game” or “video game.” Anime is famous in Japan, but games are also quite famous. Nintendo, Square Enix, Namco Bandai, Konami, Sony Interactive … There are many big game companies in Japan.

Actually, I was originally a gamer, so I have a lot of favorite games. Today I’m going to talk about my favorite game.


After all, the game I was really into was the Final Fantasy series. Very much, addictive = to be into, crazy about something, this is also a casual expression. The game I’m really into is FF. I played FF 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 15. I especially liked 3, 7, 9, and 10. FINAL FANTASY is basically an RPG story game rather than an action game. I think FF3 was originally a NES game, but it has been remade with Nintendo 3DS. I like DS FF3 very much. Nowadays, you should be able to play with the smartphone app. I really enjoyed being able to change jobs and try out various jobs. Try = to try

FF7 is also the best. The individuality of each character makes the story even more interesting. (Individuality: personality) FF7 has also released a remake version on PlayStation 4. (Release = to release) Will it come out on the PlayStation 5? Have you bought the PlayStation 5 yet? It sold out quickly in Japan. And it’s expensive, isn’t it? I want to buy it next year.

The story of FF9 and 10 is really great, but there are other games I would like to introduce, so I will talk about them again. (The best, amazing)


Besides the FINAL FANTASY series, my favorite game is, yes, The Legend of Zelda! I’ve always liked Zelda since I was a kid, but the released Breath of the wild on the latest Nintendo Switch was ridiculous. Bad: crazy, awesome Breath of the wild is an open world RPG, so you don’t have to load it when you enter another city. Therefore, you can really freely explore the world as much as you want. Explore: explore But after all, I can’t forget the legend of Zelda from the Nintendo 64 era. You all played, of course, ocarina of time and Majora’s mask This is a very old game, more than 20 years old, but no different from the Breath of the wild open world. You can move very freely with your style. I think it’s really amazing.


And of course, it’s the Super Mario series. My favorite Super Mario is, well, actually Super Mario Sunshine. This is a Nintendo GameCube game. This is Mario playing on a resort island, the music was very bright and fun, and I really enjoyed the action games. I also liked the game Luigi’s Mansion. The Mario series is the best in the GameCube era.


I also love Japanese games such as Kingdom Hearts, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon, but I also like foreign games. It’s The last of us. This is a zombie horror action game. I think it’s an American game. Actually, I hate horror and zombies, and I’ve never seen horror movies, but for some reason I was able to play the last of us alone until the end. I was really scared and always played while almost crying, but (Every time I playing it, I was almost crying) The story was interesting and the action was not so difficult, so I enjoyed playing. No, this was my first zombie gaming experience, so I can never forget

Ah ~ I want to play games again. I’ve been busy lately and haven’t played games at all, but my younger brother sent me a game. Nintendo switch Paper Mario and The Legend of Zelda Dreaming Island. Have you played this game yet? If you like, please tell us your recommended games! Tell me on my Instagram!

Thank you for listening today. see you later.




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Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.125 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

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Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.123 Listen from Here🎧 📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo 📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel 👤   Facebook page: General monetary support

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