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あさラジオ Ep.21「ベジタリアン・ビーガン料理(りょうり)」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.21

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo

















「精進」という言葉は、to devote yourself to something, という意味で、これは仏教(Buddhism)の考えから始まった食事です。「精進料理」は最初、中国から伝えられました。中国の仏教の文化です。

今では、精進料理を食べる人は少ないですが、時々大切な日に食べます。それは、お葬式の時などです(at a funeral)お葬式の時などは、お肉や魚を食べないで、精進料理を食べることがあります。



おすすめの食材(ingredients)は、豆腐(Tofu made from bean)、味噌(Miso is a fermented soybean paste)、昆布(Kombu, kelp)、うどんやそば(Udon noodle made from flour, or Soba noodle made from back wheat)、みりん(rice vinegar)






Wednesday, February 17, 2021 Today’s weather is snowy and sometimes sunny. The current temperature is 2 degrees and the maximum temperature is 5 degrees. You suddenly returned to winter. In spring, cold days and warm days alternate. The time I woke up today is 7:15! It’s hard to get out of bed on a cold day.

If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, check out my Instagram story. ^ If you want to see the Asa Radio script, please check my homepage. There are Japanese and English scripts. I uploaded a new Youtube video the other day, so please take a look!


Today’s topic is about Japanese vegetarian and vegan food!

Do you think there are vegetarian and vegan dishes in Japan? What kind of dish is it? Sushi is no good. I’m using fish. Then what about ramen? No, I use a lot of meat such as pork and birds. Then yakitori? Sukiyaki? Hmm. It’s all useless. I’m not a vegetarian because I use meat or fish.

Finding vegetarian and vegan food in ordinary Japanese restaurants can be a bit difficult.

But vegetarians and vegans, it’s okay. There are also vegan dishes in Japan. It is “Shojin ryori”.

Shojin ryō is a dish that does not use animal foods such as meat and fish. Basically, we cook using only vegetables, beans, rice, etc. The word “dedication” means to devote yourself to something, which is a meal that began with the idea of ​​Buddhism. “Shojin ryō” was first introduced from China. Chinese Buddhist culture.

Nowadays, few people eat shōjin ryō, but sometimes they eat it on important days. At a funeral, etc., you may eat shōjin ryō instead of eating meat or fish.

There are many restaurants in Japan that serve shōjin ryō, but in reality, many are a little expensive. So if you want to eat vegetarian and vegan food every day, you should make it at home.

Recommended ingredients (ingredients) are tofu (Tofu made from bean), miso (Miso is a fermented soybean paste), kelp (Kombu, kelp), udon noodle made from flour, or Soba noodle made from back wheat. ), Mirin (rice vinegar) Also, of course, I recommend various mushrooms (mashrooms), vegetables (vegetables), various beans, and of course, natto in Japan. Lol

I’ll post a vegetarian / vegan recipe on my homepage, so if you’re interested, check it out.

I hope you have a good day today. See you.




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