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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.92「Podcastの作り方」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.92

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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Instagram: momoko.nihongo


今日の天気も晴れ!今日も暑いです。気温は31度です。最近、花粉がひどくて毎日くしゃみしています。花粉:pollen, くしゃみする:to sneeze




If you have any requests, go check and follow my Instagram.

I also make some special episodes for my Patreon.





First, I choose a topic request and I do some research, or I just think about this.




そして、原稿ができたらマイクを準備して、MacのGarage bandという無料のソフトを使って録音します。

準備する:to prepare, 無料:free, 録音する:to record

When the manuscript is ready, I prepare a microphone, then use a free software called Garage band on the Mac, and record podcast.



編集する:to edit

When I finished recording, I start to edit it.



音量:volume, 調節する:to adjust, 簡単:easy

I use some free background music, and I adjust the volume, and done!

Editing is easy and can be done in about 5 minutes.



コピペする:to copy and paste

Google translation もコピペします。まぁ最近はDeeplの方をよく使っていますが・・。


こんな感じ:it’s like this!







Wednesday, October 6, 2021 Another sunny day! It’s hot again today. The temperature is 31 degrees Celsius. Lately, I’ve been sneezing every day because the pollen is so bad. Pollen: pollen, sneeze: to sneeze

If you would like to request a topic for Asa Radio, please do so on Instagram. I also make special episodes on Patreon. You can find the scripts in Japanese and English on my website, so please check it out. If you have any requests, go check and follow my Instagram. I also make some special episodes for my Patreon.

Today’s topic is “How to make a podcast”!

How do you always make a podcast? So, today I’m going to show you how I make my podcasts! So today I’m going to show you how I make a podcast!

First, I choose a topic request for the podcast, and do some research and thinking about it. First, I choose a topic request and I do some research, or I just think about this.

Then, I write the script for the podcast. Script is the Japanese word for “manuscript. You can also say “script” in katakana. It takes about 15 to 30 minutes to write this script, and sometimes as long as 45 minutes.

When the script is ready, I prepare a microphone and record it using a free software called Garage band on my Mac. To prepare: to prepare, free: free, to record: to record When the manuscript is ready, I prepare a microphone, then use a free software called Garage band on the Mac, and record the podcast.

It takes about 10 to 15 minutes to record. When the recording is done, I edit it. Editing: to edit When I finished recording, I start to edit it.

I use some free background music, adjust the volume and stuff, and I’m done! Editing is easy, and can be done in about 5 minutes. Volume: volume, to adjust, easy: easy I use some free background music, and I adjust the volume, and done! Editing is easy and can be done in about 5 minutes.

When I’m done editing, I make an MP3 of it, and upload it to a site called Anchor.

Then, I copy and paste the Japanese version of the manuscript to my website. Copy and paste: to copy and paste I also copy and paste the Google translation. Well, I’ve been using Deepl a lot lately…

Yes, that’s about how you make a podcast! Like this: it’s like this!

It’s easy, but the hardest part is writing and recording. It’s always fun, but sometimes a little tiring. But I love podcasts, so I always try my best to make them.

So, what did you think? Did it make you want to make a podcast too? lol Thank you very much for listening to my podcast today. I’ll see you later. Translated with (free version)





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