Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.80
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2021年7月15日(木)今日の天気は晴れのち曇り。まだ梅雨は続いています。梅雨は、何でしたっけ?そうですね、梅雨はrainy seasonですね。気温は32度。最近は毎日30度以上です。むしむししています。
If you have any requests, go check and follow my Instagram.
I also make some special episodes for my Patreon.
The person who gave me the request was surprised, when he was talking to a Japanese friend.
そのリクエストをくれた人が病気になった時、日本人の友達は「病気なの?じゃあ病院に行ったらどう?」Why don’t you go to a hospital?
でもその病気は、ただの風邪でした。It’s just a cold.
開いている病院:hospital which is open
見つける:to find
予約もしないで:you don’t even make a reservation
日本、特に東京では、General practitioner (GP) = かかりつけ医が あまり必要ありません。
お腹が痛い:stomachache, 熱がある:to have a fever, 頭が痛い:to have a headache,
内科はわかりますか?内科は、Internal medicineですね。
怪我をする:to get injury, 骨を折る:to break your bone
外科はわかりますか?外科は、surgery, surgical department ですね。
このように、体の中の病気の時は内科(Internal medicine department)の病院に行って、体の外の病気の時は、外科(Surgical department)に行きます。
In Europe, you probably see your GP and then the doctor refer you to a larger hospital.
紹介する:to introduce, to refer
予約をしなくてもいい:you don’t have to make a reservation
もらえる:you can get, you can receive
Thursday, July 15, 2021: Today’s weather is sunny and cloudy. The rainy season is still going on. What was the rainy season again? Yes, the rainy season is the RAINY season. The temperature is 32 degrees. Lately it has been over 30 degrees every day. It is humid.
If you would like to request a topic for Asa Radio, please do so on Instagram. I also make special episodes on Patreon. There are scripts in Japanese and English on my website, so please check them out. If you have any requests, go check and follow my Instagram. I also make some special episodes for my Patreon.
Today’s topic is about the hospital system in Japan! I also make some special episodes for my Patreon.
The person who gave me the request was surprised when talking to a Japanese friend. The person who gave me the request was surprised, when he was talking to a Japanese friend.
When the person who gave me the request got sick, his Japanese friend said, “Are you sick? Why don’t you go to the hospital? Why don’t you go to a hospital? It’s just a cold. It’s just a cold. Would you go to a hospital for just a cold? When you have a headache, fever, or cough, do you go to the hospital immediately?
In Japan, it is very easy to go to the hospital. In Japan, it is very easy to go to the hospital. You just use Google to find a hospital that is open, and then go there without making an appointment. Hospital which is open: hospital which is open to find: to find without making an appointment: you don’t even make a reservation
In Japan, especially in Tokyo, there is not much need for a general practitioner (GP). If you have a stomachache, fever, headache, etc., you go to an internal medicine hospital. Stomachache: to have a fever, headache: to have a headache, fever: to have a fever, headache: to have a headache, Do you know what internal medicine is? Internal medicine is internal medicine.
And if you get injured or break a bone, you go to surgery. To get injured: to get injury, to break your bone: to break your bone Do you know what surgery is? Surgery is a surgical department, right?
As you can see, when you are sick inside your body, you go to an internal medicine department, and when you are sick outside your body, you go to a surgical department. For external illnesses, you go to the surgical department. If your eyes hurt, you go to the eye hospital, and if your child is sick, you go to the children’s hospital.
In Europe, you probably see your GP (family doctor) first, and then he or she will refer you to a larger hospital. In Europe, you probably see your GP and then the doctor refer you to a larger hospital. To refer: to introduce, to refer
In Europe, you probably see your GP and then the doctor refer you to a larger hospital. Many people just take the medicine and sleep at home. It takes a long time and all you have to do is take the medicine.
But in Japan, when you go to the hospital, you usually don’t have to make an appointment, and you can get your medicine very easily, so I think a lot of people go to the hospital. You don’t have to make an appointment: you don’t have to make a reservation Easily: easily Medicine: medicine You can get it: you can get, you can receive
How about in your country? When you get sick, do you go to the hospital right away? Or do you just take medicine at home?
Yes, thank you for listening to me again today! I’ll see you later. Translated with (free version)