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あさラジオ Ep.73「日本の”間の文化”」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.73

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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「間」というのは、Space や room,  gapという意味です。

文化 is a culture


日本語のおもしろいフレーズに「空気を読む」というものがあります。「空気を読む」は、「to read the air」、、、じゃありませんね。これは、Read the atmosphere とか、read the situation などという意味です。

例えば、友達があまり元気じゃなさそうだな、と思った時。When you think that your friend doesn’t seems to be happy.


でも、「たぶん友達は1人になりたいかな・・・(maybe she wants to be alone」と思って、私は「今日は宿題があるから、もう家に帰るね!」と言ってバイバイしました。


For example, when you think your friend doesn’t seem to be happy.

Then you asked, “Are you okay?”, your friend said, “Yeah, okay.”

But you thought, “Maybe she wants to be alone,” and you say, “I have homework today, so I’m going home!”

This is what you decided after “reading the air”.


見ようとする:to try to see

In Japan, there is a culture that you try to see something that is invisible.





芸術:art 音楽:music

You can also see this “culture of 間” in art, music, and in the room.

日本の芸術作品(art work)には、「間」を使ったものがたくさんあります。


芸術作品:art work, 紙:paper 絵を描く:to draw

We have such art works, that on a large piece of paper, you draw something small but then you don’t draw anything on a half of paper.




Old Japanese style rooms don’t have many walls.

Instead of walls, you use paper doors called “ふすま”.







おすすめの本 Recommended books!


Today’s topic is “Culture among Japanese people”. “Between” means Space, room, gap. Culture is a culture

It’s a difficult topic, but it’s an interesting culture. Let’s think about this together!

An interesting phrase in Japanese is “reading the air.” “Reading the air” is not “to read the air”. This means Read the atmosphere, read the situation, and so on. For example, when you think your friends aren’t very well. When you think that your friend does n’t seem to be happy. When I asked, “Are you okay?”, My friend said, “Yeah, okay.” But I thought, “Maybe she wants to be alone,” and I said, “I have homework today, so I’m going home!” This is what I decided to “read the air”.

For example, when you think your friend does n’t seem to be happy. Then you asked, “Are you okay?”, Your friend said, “Yeah, okay.” But you thought, “Maybe she wants to be alone,” and you say, “I have homework today, so I’m going home!” This is what you decided after “reading the air”.

In this way, Japan has a “culture of trying to see what is invisible.” Try to see: to try to see In Japan, there is a culture that you try to see something that is invisible.

It’s important to read the air of “No” even if your friends don’t say “No”. This is one of the Japanese cultures. If someone can’t read the air well, they say “bad” or “stupid.”

This “culture between” also appears in art, music, and in the room. Art: art Music: music You can also see this “culture of room” in art, music, and in the room.

There are many Japanese art works that use “ma”. There are many pictures that I draw a little on a large piece of paper, but I don’t draw about half of it. Work of art: art work, paper: paper Draw a picture: to draw We have such art works, that on a large piece of paper, you draw something small but then you don’t draw anything on a half of paper.

Also, there aren’t many walls in old Japanese style rooms. Instead of a wall, I use a paper door called “bran”. Wall: wall Old Japanese style rooms don’t have many walls. Instead of walls, you use paper doors called “bran”.

Therefore, in Japanese houses, you can freely make “ken” using “bran”. For example, when a customer comes, you can remove the “bran” to create a large space as a “guest room”, or if you want to have a cup of tea with your family, you can use the “bran” to create a small space “living room”. ..

In Japanese culture, there is a culture that values ​​the invisible “pause”. This is hidden in various places such as relationships, art, and music.

If you like the “culture between”, please check it out.

see you later.




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