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あさラジオ Ep.64「どうやってチェコ語を勉強したか?」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.64

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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英語だと、The beginning of summer とか early summer ですね。

ちなみに、the middle of summer, midsummer のことを、「真夏」といいます。





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How I learned Czech language.


I forgot Czech a lot.


Actually, after studying Czech for about two years, I became able to speak Czech in daily life, so today I would like to talk about how I learned Czech.

Češtinu jsem studovala asi 2 roky a za jen 2 roky, moje čeština se moc zlepšila, takže dnes bych chtěla mluvit o tom, jak jsem studovala češtinu.

Ale byla jsem v Česku celkově asi 7 let, a navíc jsem pracovala v českém firmě, takže asi to není fér.



留学する:to study abroad です

ですが、その時は英語とかヨーロッパの歴史を勉強しに行ったので、チェコ語は全然わかりませんでした。Dobrý den, pivo prosím. だけでしたね。今のは、「こんにちは、ビールください。」です。笑


留学が終わって日本に帰ってからも私は本当にチェコが大好きだったので、チェコ語を続けたいと思ってチェコ語の学校に通いました。それは1週間に1回だけのチェコ語レッスンです。続ける:to continue  続けたい : want to continue

1週間に1回 = once a week.

でも1週間に1回だけのレッスンじゃ、全然足りなかったですね。足りない:not enough



弁論大会 = speech contest, 興味が湧く:to become interested in something

大会:competition, contest

スピーチ(弁論)をするのは全然好きじゃないけど、この弁論大会で優勝したら(if I win)、チェコに行ける飛行機のチケットがもらえると聞いて、私は「ok, 弁論大会に出よう!」と決めました。笑

〜に出る:to participate in…

決める:to decide


チェコ人にスピーチを録音してもらって、それも毎日聞いていました。録音する:to record




I couldn’t get the flight ticket, but instead, I got pencils and a notebook.



おかげで:thanks to


Thanks to that experience, my pronunciation has improved a lot.





Even if it’s a small goal, you would be motivated to study when you have some goals.



I hope you enjoy studying by talking with your friends, reading some books or watching anime or series.



Friday, May 14, 2021 Today’s weather is sunny and sometimes cloudy. The maximum temperature is 30 degrees Celsius! !! It looks like it will be hot in the daytime. In Japan, the season from May to June is called “early summer”. The kanji is “first” (beginning) + “summer”, which is “early summer”. In English, it’s The beginning of summer or early summer.

By the way, the middle of summer, midsummer is called “midsummer”. Since it is “middle” + “summer”, it is “midsummer”.

If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, please use Instagram. Patreon also makes special episodes. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out. Thank you for your request and thank you for your support on my Patreon. You can find the Japanese and English scripts on my website.


Today’s topic is “How did I study Czech!”. How I learned Czech language. Yes, I can actually speak Czech. That said, I’ve forgotten a lot because I live in Japan and don’t use Czech very much anymore. When I lived in the Czech Republic, I was able to speak quite well, but now I don’t think I can speak well at all. I forgot Czech a lot. But actually, after studying for about two years, I can speak Czech normally, so today I would like to talk about how I studied Czech. Actually, after studying Czech for about two years, I became able to speak Czech in daily life, so today I would like to talk about how I learned Czech.

Češtinu jsem studovala asi 2 roky a za jen 2 roky, moje čeština se moc zle pšila, takže dnes bych ch těla mluvit o tom, jak jsem studovala češtinu. Ale by la jsem v Česku celkově asi 7 let, a navíc jsem pracovala v českém firmě, takže asi to není fér. ________

When I was in the third year of college, I studied abroad in the Czech Republic for a year. Study abroad: to study abroad However, at that time I went to study English and European history, so I didn’t understand Czech at all. It was just Dobrý den, pivo prosím. Right now, “Hello, please beer.” Lol This is the most important phrase for people living in the Czech Republic. Lol

Even after I returned to Japan after studying abroad, I really loved the Czech Republic, so I went to a Czech language school because I wanted to continue my Czech language. It is a Czech lesson only once a week. Continue: to continue  I want to continue: want to continue Once a week = once a week. But the lesson only once a week wasn’t enough. Not enough: not enough I didn’t have enough, so I searched for a Czech video on Youtube and studied. Then, when I heard that there was a Czech speech contest, I was very interested in it. Speech contest = speech contest, to become interested in something Competition: competition, contest

I don’t like giving speeches at all, but when I heard that if I win this speech contest (if I win), I’ll get a ticket for an airplane to go to the Czech Republic, I said, “ok, let’s go to the speech contest!” I decided. Lol Appear in: to participate in… Decide: to decide

Then I wrote a speech manuscript (scipt), had my Czech friend check it, and then read and practiced it every day. I used grammar and words that I had never studied, but after reading it many times, I could easily learn the grammar. I had a Czech record a speech and I listened to it every day. Record: to record Anyway, I had one big goal, so it was a lot of fun to study. Goal: goal

Unfortunately, at the speech contest, I didn’t get a ticket for the plane, but instead got a pen and a notebook. Lol I could n’t get the flight ticket, but instead, I got pencils and a notebook.

But thanks to that experience, my Czech pronunciation has improved a lot. Experience: experience Thanks: thanks to Pronunciation: pronunciation Thanks to that experience, my pronunciation has improved a lot.

After the speech contest, I went to a Czech language school in Olomouc, Czech Republic and studied Czech for a year. I did my homework every day and tested every week. I think it was really good for me to have a weekly test and I think it helped me improve my Czech language. Testing is a good goal for me. Goal: goal Even if you have a small goal, you will be motivated to study if you have any goal. Even if it ’s a small goal, you would be motivated to study when you have some goals.

Also, talking with my Czech friends over beer and wine, watching Czech movies, and reading simple children’s books was a good practice and I enjoyed studying very much.

When you study Japanese, I hope you can enjoy studying by watching a lot of Japanese anime and dramas, reading books, and talking with your friends! I hope you enjoy studying by talking with your friends, reading some books or watching anime or series.

Then thank you for listening today. See you!




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