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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.63「5月病(5がつびょう)」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.63

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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最近は雨がふったりやんだり、晴れたり曇ったり、また雨がふったり、寒くなったり、暑くなったり、暖かくなったり、、、 変な天気が続いていますね。服を選ぶのが難しいです。It’s difficult to choose clothes…




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これは、5月の病気 May sick, ですね。本当に重い病気です・・・

重い病気 = serious disease


まず、朝は全然起きられません。体が重くて、とてもつらいんです。つらい:tough, painful


日中(during the day)は、すぐに眠くなります。ずっと眠くて、仕事に集中できません。たくさんあくびをしてしまいます。

あくび:a yawn



May sick is a disease that affects only people living in Japan.



If you don’t get used to the new environment, like meeting new people or starting a new job, then you get tired.

慣れる:to get used to



But actually, people who toke too much rest during Golden Week also get this disease.


そしたら、ね、また普通の生活(normal life)に戻るでしょう。現実に戻らなきゃいけません。You have to return to reality.



仕事を乗り切る:to get over, to make it…




なんとか・・・する:to manage to do…  somehow…





Thursday, May 13, 2021 Today’s weather is cloudy and sometimes rainy. The maximum temperature during the day is 23 degrees. Recently, it’s been raining, it’s sunny and cloudy, it’s raining, it’s getting cold, it’s getting hot, it’s getting warm, and so on. It’s difficult to choose clothes. It ’s difficult to choose clothes…

If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, please use Instagram. Thank you for Patreon’s support. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out. Thank you for your request and thank you for your support on my Patreon. You can find the Japanese and English scripts on my website.


Today’s topic is “May’s disease”. Everyone, this is the name of the illness. Do you know? “May disease”···

This is May sick, isn’t it? It ’s a really serious illness … Serious disease = serious disease

The symptoms are very severe and difficult. Symptomatism: symptoms First of all, I can’t get up at all in the morning. My body is heavy and it’s very hard. Tough, painful Also, working on a computer is very difficult. I’ve received a lot of emails … During the day, you get sleepy quickly. I’m so sleepy that I can’t concentrate on my work. I yawn a lot. Yawn: a yawn .. .. ..

May disease is a disease that affects only people living in Japan. May sick is a disease that affects only people living in Japan. In Japan, almost anything will start in April. Various things will start in April at the company and at the school. But if you don’t get used to the new environment and meet new people or start a new job, you get tired. If you don’t get used to the new environment, like meeting new people or starting a new job, then you get tired. Get used to: to get used to This is “May’s disease”. Everyone gets stressed in May and gets “May illness”.

But in fact, people who take too much rest during Golden Week also get this illness. Lol But actually, people who toke too much rest during Golden Week also get this disease. I had a really good rest during Golden Week. I woke up late every day and spent Golden Week taking a walk, having a picnic, reading a book, watching a drama, playing a game, and studying from time to time. Then you will return to normal life again. I have to go back to reality. You have to return to reality. Then, all the people who enjoyed Golden Week will get “May’s disease” …

You’re a serious illness, aren’t you? Yes, it’s hard. So I couldn’t get up at all in the morning, I had a headache, and I managed to get through my work, but I couldn’t really make Asa Radio. Lol Survive work: to get over, to make it …

But today I did my best and got up around 7 o’clock, so I was able to eat breakfast and make Asahi radio …! Yay! In this way, I managed to cure my serious “May’s disease”. Somehow … to manage to do … some how …

Yes, please be careful! May illness … Thank you for listening today. see you later!





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