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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.61「もし日本語の先生じゃなかったら」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.61

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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2021年4月29日(木)今日の天気も雨。夜中(midnight)もずっと強い雨が降っていました。ところで、日本は今日からゴールデンウィークです!ゴールデンウィークは、毎年4月の終わりから5月にある長い祝日です。祝日:national holiday





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One of my listeners asked me what I would do if I weren’t a Japanese teacher.



ところで、if の 文法(grammar)はもう勉強しましたか?

Past tense short form + ら、、、ですね。

「もし」はあってもなくてもいいです。You can add「もし」to emphasize IF, but it’s enough to say without もし, but only …ら.

For ex.

If I weren’t a Japanese teacher : もし、私が日本語の先生じゃなかったら / or なっていなかったら(haven’t become)・・・・

If I was a boy…: 私が男の子だったら・・・

If I had lots of money…: たくさんお金があったら・・・/ たくさんお金を持っていたら・・・

If I bought a sports car…:スポーツカーを買ったら・・・・





絵を描く:to draw picture, to sketch, to paint / 画家:a painter, an artist

Since I like drawing pictures, I might have become a painter.


実際に:actually, お金をかせぐ:to earn money

それに、私はそこにある物を描くのは得意ですけど、0からデザインを自分で作ることはできません。I can draw something that I see, but I can’t make my own design from nothing.



他のオプションは、ワインのソムリエですね。実は私は、日本語の先生になる前はワインの会社で働いていて、ワインの勉強もしていました。I was actually working for a wine company before Japanese teacher.



Selling a wine doesn’t mean that I can drink this wine.



I like teaching and also, I like kids, so maybe I could become a teacher of kindergarten or a elementary school.



疲れる:to get tired, 疲れちゃう:to get tired even when I don’t want to,

あと、子供が病気になったり、けがをしたりした時は大変ですね。病気:illness, sick / けが:injury, wound


責任を負う:to take responsibility







Thursday, April 29, 2021 Today’s weather is also rainy. It was raining heavily in the middle of the night. By the way, Japan is Golden Week from today! Golden Week is a long holiday from the end of April to May every year. Holidays: national holiday It is a holiday of about 1 week to 10 days. I can’t go anywhere because it’s Corona this year, but I want to hike and jog during Golden Week, watch movies and read books on Netflix.

If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, please use Instagram. Thank you for Patreon’s support. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out. Thank you for your request and thank you for your support on my Patreon. You can find the Japanese and English scripts on my website.


Today’s topic is “What would you do if you weren’t a Japanese teacher?” I got a message from a listener, “What kind of work would you do if you weren’t a Japanese teacher?” One of my listeners asked me what I would do if I were n’t a Japanese teacher.

So today I’m going to talk about the topic “If I wasn’t a teacher in Japanese …”.


By the way, have you studied if grammar yet? Past tense short form + et al … “If” may or may not be present. You can add “if” to emphasize IF, but it ’s enough to say without if, but only… et al.

For ex. If I were n’t a Japanese teacher: If I was n’t a Japanese teacher / or had n’t become …

If I was a boy…: If I was a boy… If I had lots of money…: If I had a lot of money… / If I had a lot of money… If I bought a sports car …: If I bought a sports car …


right. If I hadn’t become a Japanese teacher …

There are various options. I like drawing, so I might have been a painter. Draw a picture: to draw picture, to sketch, to paint / Painter: a painter, an artist Since I like drawing pictures, I might have become a painter.

However, it is difficult to earn money by actually drawing a picture. Actually: actually, earn money: to earn money

Besides, I’m good at drawing things there, but I can’t make my own designs from scratch. I can draw something that I see, but I ca n’t make my own design from nothing. So you can’t be a designer. Also, drawing a picture every day is a little tiring, and there is pressure, so it seems to be stressful. After all, I don’t want to work as a painter. Lol

Another option is a wine sommelier. Actually, before I became a Japanese teacher, I worked for a wine company and also studied wine. I was actually working for a wine company before Japanese teacher. I still like wine and it’s fun to study wine. But hmm, when I was working for a wine company, it was a little boring. Because even if you sell wine, you can’t drink it. Lol Selling a wine does n’t mean that I can drink this wine. After all, I don’t want to be a wine sommelier.

Well, I like teaching something and I like kids, so it might be nice to be a kindergarten or elementary school teacher. I like teaching and also, I like kids, so maybe I could become a teacher of kindergarten or a elementary school. Ah, but I can’t play the piano. I like singing, but I’m not very good at dancing. Also, I like kids, but playing with all the kids seems a little difficult. I’m tired. Get tired: to get tired, get tired even when I do n’t want to, Also, when a child gets sick or gets injured, it’s hard. Illness: illness, sick / injury: injury, wound It is a lot of pressure to take responsibility for the child. Responsible: to take responsibility I don’t want to bear that kind of stress, so I don’t want to be a kindergarten or elementary school teacher.

So, if you quit your Japanese teacher, it will be very difficult to find another job. It may be best to become a Podcaster or Youtuber as it is. Lol

Yes, thank you for listening today. Have a nice day. See you!





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