Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.59
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おすすめ:recommended, 映画:movie, 紹介する:to introduce
みなさんは、よくどんな映画を見ますか?私はいろいろ見ますけど、最近は洋画の方が好きですね。実は映画よりドラマの方がよく見るんですが、まぁたまに映画を見るときは洋画を選びます。I rather choose American or British movie than the Japanese one.
まずは好きな映画から。(まずは 〜から。:let’s begin with…)
映画に出る:to act in the movie,/ 「出演する」とも言います。
それから、他にも好きな映画があります。それは「Awakenings」とか「My intern」という映画です。「ゴッド・ファーざー」や「ディア・ハンター」も有名ですね。
最近ロバートデニーロが出ている、ギャング映画も見ました。映画の名前は「Analyze that」です。ギャグの話で、20年くらい前のコメディ映画です。ロバートデニーロのコメディ映画は大好きです。
それから「Begin again」という映画もとても好きです。この映画を見ると、とても幸せな(happy)気持ちになります。これはミュージシャンの話なんですけど、その歌がとても綺麗なんです。
This is the story about a girl who works hard to make Ramen.
「東京物語」は英語で「Tokyo Story」ですが、これはとても古いので白黒映画(black and white film)です。ちょっとかわいそうなおじいさんとおばあさんの映画ですが、日本の文化をよく知ることができます。かわいそう:poor
それから、私の好きな日本の映画は「永遠の0」という映画です。これは戦争の映画で、特に第二次世界大戦の日本の「特攻隊」についての話です。This is a war movie, the story is about Kamikaze (a suicide corps / special attack corps) in the World war 2.
これはね、ちょっと長いんですが、とても良い映画ですよ。日本の特攻隊(attack corps)についてよく知ることができます。もちろん、戦争の話だから悲しいですけどね。
「愛の不時着」は英語で「Crash landing on love」사랑의 불시착 salang-ui bulsichagです。とても有名なドラマで、去年はたぶんNetflixで一番人気なドラマでしたね。
これはね、有名な会社のCEOの女の人が、パラグライダーに乗っていたらストームが起こって、そのまま風に飛ばされて、北朝鮮(North Korea)に行ってしまうという話ですね。その北朝鮮で、めっちゃかっこいい男の人と出会って、恋をしてしまうんです。
In this story, a woman who is working at a famous company as CEO will be blown away by strong wind and she will land on North Korea, and then she somehow falls in love with a guy from North Korea.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Today’s weather is sunny and then cloudy. The maximum temperature is 23 degrees. It looks like it will rain a little at night. It will probably rain tomorrow. The big news these days is that astronaut Hoshide has arrived at the space station! There are two Japanese people on the space station now, but it seems that one person will return to Earth this month. It’s a great job, isn’t it?
If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, please use Instagram. Thank you for Patreon’s support. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out. Thank you for your request, and also thank you for your support on my Patreon. You can find the Japanese and English scripts on my website.
Today’s topic is my favorite movies and dramas! I will introduce. Recommended: recommended, movie: movie, introduce: to introduce
Here are some recommended movies. Do you like watching movies, everyone? I see it once in a while. By the way, foreign films (especially Britain and the United States) are called “Western movies”, and Japanese movies are called “Japanese movies”. Movies from other countries, such as South Korea, are called “Korean movies,” Chinese movies are called “Chinese movies,” and India is called “Indian movies.”
What kind of movies do you often watch? I see a lot, but lately I prefer Western movies. Actually, I watch dramas more often than movies, but sometimes when I watch movies, I choose Western movies. I rather choose American or British movie than the Japanese one.
Today I’m going to talk about my favorite movie and drama topic.
First of all, from your favorite movie. (First of all, from …: let ’s begin with…)
My favorite movies are “Forrest Gump”, “Terminal”, “Cast Away”, “Captain Phillips” … That’s right. All in all, I love the movie with Tom Hanks! Appear in a movie: to act in the movie, / Also called “appear”.
Then there are other movies I like. It’s a movie called “Awakenings” or “My intern”. “The Godfather” and “Dear Hunter” are also famous. Yes, I also like Robert De Niro! Lol I also watched a gangster movie with Robert De Niro recently. The name of the movie is “Analyze that”. It’s a gag story, a comedy movie about 20 years ago. I love Robert De Niro’s comedy movies.
Somehow, it’s about my favorite actor. Lol Actor: actor
I also really like the movie “Begin again”. Watching this movie makes me feel very happy. This is a musician’s story, but the song is very beautiful.
There are various Japanese movies (Japanese movies) that I like, but “Tanpopo” and “Tokyo Story” are interesting for old movies. Everyone should definitely watch the movie “Dandelions”! please look. Some people are a little yakuza-like. This is a story about a cute girl named Dandelion who works hard to make ramen. This is the story about a girl who works hard to make Ramen. “Tokyo Story” is “Tokyo Story” in English, but it is a black and white film because it is so old. It’s a movie of a little poor grandfather and grandmother, but you can get a good idea of Japanese culture. Poor: poor
Also, my favorite Japanese movie is “The Eternal Zero”. This is a war movie, especially about Japan’s “Kamikaze” in World War II. This is a war movie, the story is about Kamikaze (a suicide corps / special attack corps) in the World war 2.
This is a little long, but it’s a very good movie. You can get to know more about Japanese attack corps. Of course, it’s sad because it’s about war.
The last drama I would like to introduce is a Korean drama. The name is “Crash Landing on You”. You guys, of course, did you see it? !! Lol “Crash landing on love” is “Crash landing on love” in English 사랑 의 불시착 salang-ui bulsichag. It’s a very famous drama, and last year it was probably the most popular drama on Netflix.
This is a story about a woman who is the CEO of a famous company, who gets a storm while riding a paraglider, and she is blown away by the wind and goes to North Korea. In that North Korea, she meets a really cool guy and falls in love. In this story, a woman who is working at a famous company as CEO will be blown away by strong wind and she will land on North Korea, and then she somehow falls in love with a guy from North Korea.
This was the first Korean drama I saw (Korean drama), but it was really interesting. I was crying and laughing. If you haven’t seen it yet, please take a look.
What are your favorite movies and dramas? Please let me know on Instagram if you like! see you later.