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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.49「愛(あい)と恋(こい)」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.49

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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変える:to change



もともとのリクエストだった「初恋」、これは、「初めての恋」という意味です。First loveですね。


正直(honestly)、私に初恋の相手が誰だったかもよく覚えていませんが、たぶん保育園の頃の男友達です。私が3歳か4歳の頃ですね。保育園: nursery school, daycare



当たり前: natural, common, no doubt



さてさて、そんな話は置いといて・・・ (Let’s put it aside.)

話をもとに戻しましょう。Getting back to what I was talking about.




愛する:to love

I love something/someone: 〜を愛している



でも「恋する/ 恋をする」というのは、ちょっと違います。恋するというのは、愛するよりも少し軽い気持ちです。軽い:light


ただ、「きゃ〜 好き!」という気持ちだけです。

最初は「恋に落ちて」(fall in love)、その後でだんだん、少しずつ相手のことを知って、それからその人を「愛する」ようになるんですね。



恋+人: 恋人は、彼氏とか彼女とか、付き合っている(デートしている)人のことです。

Someone whom you love as a boyfriend, girlfriend.

愛 + 人:愛人は、結婚しているのに他の人を好きになってしまった時、その人は愛人です。

Is a lover (mistress), whom you love even though you are married.





Monday, April 5, 2021 Today’s weather is cloudy and then sunny. It was cloudy in the morning, but it was very warm and nice in the afternoon. The highest temperature today is 16 degrees Celsius. Is the wind a little cold? This week I’m coming to Nara for wormcation. I drove a car on the weekend and came to Nara. It’s a smaller and quieter town than Kyoto. I also met a deer on the weekend. Deer: deer Nara is famous for deer.

Thank you for requesting the Asa Radio topic. Thank you for your support of Patreon. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out.


Today’s topic is “love and love”. The original request was “first love”, but I don’t think my first love story is interesting at all, so I changed today’s topic a little and changed it to “love and love”. Original (original): original Change: to change

Do you guys understand the difference between love and love? In English, both love and love are “love”. But there is a big difference between “love” and “love” in Japanese.


The original request, “first love,” means “first love.” First love. I’ll talk a little about my first love, but it’s not interesting at all. Lol Honestly, I don’t remember who my first love was, but I’m probably a boyfriend when I was in nursery school. I was 3 or 4 years old. Nursery school: nursery school, daycare I think I gave the boyfriend Valentine’s chocolate for the first time in my life. But I’m not sure if I really liked the boy. The child was just a boy, he was the best friend, and he was always with me, so it’s natural to like him normally. Natural, common, no doubt But since I gave Valentine’s chocolate for the first time, I think that person was my first love.


By the way, let’s put it aside … (Let’s put it aside.) Let’s get back to the story. Getting back to what I was talking about.

It’s the difference between “love” and “love”. Love is a word that has a very deep meaning. Deep: deep For example, you can “love” your girlfriend, her boyfriend, her family, pets, children, and not just your country, your culture, and many other things. To love: to love I love something / someone: I love something / someone So it’s more natural to say “I love you” to someone who is dating you. You can also say “I love you” to your children and pets.

But “in love / in love” is a little different. To fall in love is a little lighter than to love. Light: light For example, falling in love with BTS is like, “Wow, this person is cool! I like it!” I don’t want to be with that person forever, do anything for that person, or help him. However, I just feel like “I like it!” At first you “fall in love”, then gradually you get to know the other person and then “love” that person.


By the way, “lover” and “mistress” are completely different, so please be careful. Love + People: A lover is a boyfriend, girlfriend, or someone who is dating. Someone whom you love as a boyfriend, girlfriend. Love + Person: A mistress is a mistress when she is married but falls in love with another person. Is a lover (mistress), whom you love even though you are married.

So be careful not to call your boyfriend or girlfriend “this person is my mistress!”! When you say “mistress”, everyone is surprised.

Yes, thank you for listening today. Have a nice week. see you later.





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