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あさラジオ Ep.46「日本の家族に会う時のマナー」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.46

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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Manners when meeting a Japanese family.



緊張する:to be nervous 厳しい:strict

たしかに、日本人の彼氏や彼女がいる人は、日本の家族に会う時のマナーを少し覚えておいた方がいいかもしれません。もしかすると、他の国とは全然違う雰囲気があるかもしれないからです。もしかすると/ もしかしたら:perhaps,  probably , 雰囲気:atmosphere

もちろん、日本の家族がみんな同じというわけではないので、決まったルールはありません。There is no rule, because not all Japanese families are the same.

今日は日本の一般的なマナーをご紹介しますが、あんまり気にしすぎないでくださいね。一般的な:general,  / 気にしすぎないでください:Don’t worry about it too much.



手土産 = small gift, Omiyage

大きすぎず、小さすぎない手土産がいいと思います。Not too big, not too small

例えば、お茶とかコーヒーとか、おかしとかケーキとか、ワインとか、食べ物や飲み物が無難です。無難 = a low risk choise, a safe choice



When giving souvenirs, it is a common etiquette to take them out of the bag.





It better not to call their mom and dad by their name..



You should call your girlfriend /boyfriend (lover) “… san, … kun”, in front of her/his parents.

彼女や彼氏の親の前で、初めて会った時に、自分の彼女や彼氏のことを呼び捨てで呼ぶのは、ちょっと失礼な感じがします。呼び捨てで呼ぶ:to address by name only, without …san, …kun.


「おれ、この前桃子と一緒に桜を見に行ったんですよ〜 楽しかったです!」



いちゃいちゃする:to touch too much, to flirt, to make out, to kiss or to hold hands.








Meeting your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s family means that you are thinking about the future very seriously, like getting married or living with her/him.


会社の面接:job interview




Monday, March 29, 2021 Today’s weather is sunny and sometimes cloudy. The maximum temperature is 23 degrees. It’s warm and comfortable weather today. Did you all have a good weekend? I went to my grandma’s house and to see the cherry blossoms on the weekends. It was raining yesterday, but I’m glad I took a rest at home.

Thank you for requesting the Asa Radio topic. Thank you for Patreon’s support. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out.


Today’s topic is etiquette when meeting Japanese families! Manners when meeting a Japanese family. Maybe the person who gave me this topic has a Japanese boyfriend or girlfriend? It’s a little nervous to meet a Japanese family, isn’t it? Somehow, my dad seems to be strict. To be nervous: strict

Certainly, if you have a Japanese boyfriend or girlfriend, you may want to remember some of the etiquette when you meet a Japanese family. Perhaps it has a completely different atmosphere from other countries. Maybe / Maybe: perhaps, probably, atmosphere: atmosphere

Of course, not all Japanese families are the same, so there are no set rules. There is no rule, because not all Japanese families are the same. Today I would like to introduce you to general Japanese etiquette, but don’t worry too much about it. General: general, / Don’t worry about it too much.


First: Bring a souvenir when you go to your family’s house. Souvenir = small gift, Omiyage I think a souvenir that is neither too big nor too small is good. Not too big, not too small For example, tea, coffee, candy, cakes, wine, food and drinks are safe. Safe = a low risk choise, a safe choice I think flowers are good, but maybe it’s a little too romantic? Souvenirs that are too expensive are also not good. I think it’s good to have something about 2 to 3000 yen. When giving souvenirs, it is a common etiquette to take them out of the bag. When giving souvenirs, it is a common etiquette to take them out of the bag.

Second: Let’s wear beautiful clothes. You don’t have to wear suits or dresses, but you shouldn’t wear dirty clothes, old clothes, or too sexy clothes. Especially for women, it’s best not to wear short skirts or open-chested clothing. It’s a little too sexy.

Third: Don’t call your mom or dad by name! It better not to call their mom and dad by their name .. For example, my dad is named Yasuo, but when my boyfriend or friend says “Yasuo”, it feels a bit strange. You should call it “Momoko’s father”.

Fourth: She and her boyfriend (her lover) should be called “… san, … kun”! You should call your girlfriend / boyfriend (lover) “… san, … kun”, in front of her her / his her parents her. It feels a bit rude to call my girlfriend or her boyfriend abandoned when I first meet her or her boyfriend’s parents. Call by abandonment: to address by name only, without… san,… kun. It looks a little great. Looks great: arrogant “I went to see the cherry blossoms with Momoko the other day ~ It was fun!” When I say this, I think I’m a little rude. Oh, it’s better not to use “I” either. If you are a man, you should use “I” or “I”, and if you are a woman, you should use “I”.

Fifth: She shouldn’t mess with her boyfriend too much. Flirting: to touch too much, to flirt, to make out, to kiss or to hold hands. It’s a flirting, interesting expression, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s called “flirting”. Anyway, it’s best not to kiss, hug, hold hands, or ride on your lap, especially in front of moms and dads. Well, in Japan, it’s better not to flirt in front of people too much. I don’t know why, but it makes me embarrassed to see other people flirting.


how was it? In Japan, meeting her and her boyfriend’s family is quite special, isn’t it? Special: special Meeting a family means that you are seriously thinking about the future, getting married or living with you. Meeting your girlfriend ’s / boyfriend ’s family means that you are thinking about the future very seriously, like getting married or living with her / him. So, especially when you meet for the first time, you may want to go like a company interview. Lol Company interview: job interview

Yes, thank you for listening today. Let’s do our best this week as well! See you.




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