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あさラジオ Ep.34「美容院(びよういん)」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.34

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo



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🌟Men’s hairstyles in Japanglish 😀










美容院は、英語でhair salonです。病院はhospitalなので、発音に気をつけてくださいね。


注文:order 仕方:how to do

















まず「予約した桃子です」といいます。これは、I have a reservation under the name 桃子.  という意味です。

それから、髪型を説明します。髪型 = ヘアスタイル です。

今は、黒髪のボブヘアーと言いました。黒髪は 黒い髪、ブラックヘアーですね。


「毛先だけを切ってください」とお願いしました。毛先:hair ends,  to trim the ends = 毛先を切る、と言います。



それから、「髪を染めたい」と言いました。髪を染める = to dye hair です。




「前髪」は英語で bangsですね。「前髪を切ってください」と言えば大丈夫です。




Undercut, shaved sides のスタイルは、日本語で「ツーブロック」と言います。

Combed-back hair は、日本語で「オールバック」

Ball cut (ボールみたいな丸い髪型)は、日本語で「マッシュ」とか「マッシュルームヘア」

Mullet hairstyle (full houseというドラマのジェシーの髪型)は、「ウルフカット」

Buzz cut は、「ぼうずヘア」と言います。





















Wednesday, March 10, 2021 Today’s weather is fine. The weather is warm and pleasant. Let’s do our best today as well.

Thank you for requesting the Asa Radio topic. Thank you for your support of Patreon. If you support me, you can watch the podcast quizlet vocabulary cards and Q & A videos.

You can check the Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so be sure to check them out!


Today’s topic is hair dressing. It’s not a hospital. It is a beauty salon. Do you know the meaning of “dressing shop”? Hair dressing is a hair salon in English. The hospital is a hospital, so please be careful about your pronunciation.

Today, let’s learn how to order at a beauty salon. Order: order How to: how to do


“Welcome” “Hello. This Momoko reserved” “Yes, Momoko, I’ve been waiting for you. Please go here.” “Thank you”

“What should I do today?” “That’s right. I have black bob hair now, but I want to grow it from now on, so can you cut only the tips?” “Yes, I understand. Only the tips of the hair, right?” “Yes, and I also want to dye my hair. If possible, a little grayish, dark brown.” “OK, let’s use this color.” “Thank you” “Do you want to cut your bangs? Your bangs now seem a little long.” “Yes, please cut your bangs too.” “Ok”


Yes, do you guys understand? Then, let’s check it together.

First of all, he says, “I made a reservation for Momoko.” This means I have a reservation under the name Momoko.

Then I will explain the hairstyle. Hairstyle = Hairstyle. Now I’m talking about black-haired bob hair. Black hair is black hair, isn’t it? Bob Hair is the same as English. It is a short hairstyle.

I asked, “Please cut only the ends of the hair.” Hair ends, to trim the ends = Hair ends, to trim the ends.

If you want a completely different hairstyle, show the photo on your smartphone etc. It’s okay to say, “Please have a hairstyle similar to this.”

Then he said, “I want to dye my hair.” Dye hair = to dye hair. It’s okay to say, “Dye your hair … in color.” I said “grayish, dark brown”, but there are many other things such as “ash brown”, “light brown”, “orange brown”, and “beige”.

Finally, I was asked, “What should I do with my bangs?” “Bangs” is bangs in English. It’s okay to say “Please cut your bangs”.


By the way, I think men’s hairstyles are easier and simpler, but please be aware that various Japanese grishes are used in Japan. For example The style of Undercut and shaved sides is called “two blocks” in Japanese. Combed-back hair is “all back” in Japanese Ball cut (round hairstyle like a ball) is Japanese for “mush” or “mushroom hair” Mullet hairstyle (Jesse’s hairstyle in the drama full house) is “Wolf Cut” Buzz cut is called “buzz cut”.

Did you understand? Perhaps it may be more difficult for a man to order at a hairdresser than for a woman. 😂

Then, let’s listen to the conversation again at the end. _____

“Welcome” “Hello. This Momoko reserved” “Yes, Momoko, I’ve been waiting for you. Please go here.” “Thank you”

“What should I do today?” “That’s right. I have black bob hair now, but I want to grow it from now on, so can you cut only the tips?” “Yes, I understand. Only the tips of the hair, right?” “Yes, and I also want to dye my hair. If possible, a little grayish, dark brown.” “OK, let’s use this color.” “Thank you” “Do you want to cut your bangs? Your bangs now seem a little long.” “Yes, please cut your bangs too.” “Ok”


Yes, then have a nice day today. See you!





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