Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.29
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これは、日本の税金の一つです。税金 = tax ・税または税金といいます。
そして「納税する」という言葉は、税金を払う、to pay a tax という意味です。納税すると言います。
「ふるさと」= hometown という意味です。
「ふるさと納税」は、hometown tax うーん。どういう意味でしょう?これはどんな種類の税金でしょうか?みなさん、分かりますか?
寄付をする = to donate, 制度 = a system,
1つは、北海道の街がもっと元気になるということです。日本では、長い間「少子化」の問題が続いています。少子化というのは、子供が少なくなっていることです。A low-birthrate society. これを「少子化」といいます。少子化のせいで、ほとんどの若い人は東京や大阪などの大きい街で仕事をしていて、北海道などの田舎の地域ではおじいちゃん、おばあちゃんばかりになってしまいました。もちろん、おじいちゃんおばあちゃんは仕事をしていないので、その街は税金(tax)が足りなくなります。
「ふるさと納税」をすると、他の街の経済をサポートできるんです。When you use the system of ふるさと納税, you can provide economic assistance to other region of Japan.
2つ目の良いことは、自分の税金を節約することができることです。税金 = tax, 節約する = to save,
仕事をしている人は、自分が住んでいる街に税金を払っています。でもふるさと納税をしていると、そのふるさと納税をしたお金の80%〜90%を、自分が住んでいる街から返してもらうことができます。The tax that you have donated to ふるさと納税 can be paid back for 80 – 90%.
そして三つ目の、一番良いことは、自分がふるさと納税を寄付した街(the city that you donated ふるさと納税)から、お礼の食べ物や飲み物をもらえるということです。You can get food or drinks from the region that you donated to, out of gratitude.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021 Today’s weather is rainy. The current temperature is 12 degrees and the maximum temperature is 14 degrees. I don’t like rain on cold days, but rain on warm days is fine. I have a lot of lessons today, so I’ll do my best!
Thank you for requesting the Asa Radio topic. If you want to see the script, please check my homepage. There are Japanese and English scripts. We’ll be uploading a new Youtube video soon, so stay tuned. _______
Today’s topic is “Hometown Tax”.
Have you heard about hometown tax payment? If you live in Japan, you may know it somehow. This is one of the Japanese taxes. Tax = tax ・ It is called tax or tax. And the word “pay tax” means to pay a tax. I say I will pay the tax. It means “hometown” = hometown. “Hometown tax” is hometown tax Hmm. What do you mean? What kind of tax is this? Do you guys understand? ______
Hometown tax payment is a system that allows you to donate to a city where you do not currently live. Donate = to donate, system = a system, I live in Kyoto now, but when I want to support other regions, for example, I can donate about 30,000 yen to the city of Hokkaido for hometown tax payment in one year. Then, there are various good things.
One is that the city of Hokkaido will become more energetic. In Japan, the problem of “declining birthrate” has continued for a long time. The declining birthrate means that the number of children is decreasing. A low-birthrate society. This is called “declining birthrate”. Due to the declining birthrate, most young people work in big cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, and in rural areas such as Hokkaido, only grandpas and grandmas have become. Of course, Grandpa and Grandma aren’t working, so the city runs out of taxes. By paying your hometown tax, you can support the economy of other cities. When you use the system of hometown tax, you can provide economic assistance to other region of Japan.
The second good thing is that you can save your own taxes. Tax = tax, save = to save, People who work pay taxes on the city in which they live. However, if you pay your hometown tax, you can get 80% to 90% of the money you paid for your hometown tax back from the city where you live. The tax that you have donated to hometown tax can be paid back for 80 – 90%.
And the third and best thing is that you can get thank-you food and drinks from the city that you donated your hometown tax. You can get food or drinks from the region that you donated to, out of gratitude. For example, Hokkaido, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, and Japan have various prefectures, and each city has delicious meat, fish, vegetables, and rice. There are many things you can’t buy at the supermarket in the city where you live. If you pay your hometown tax in a city you like, such as Hokkaido, Fukuoka, or Hiroshima, you can get delicious food and drinks, and sometimes hotel tickets, alcohol, and much more. is. It’s a great system, isn’t it? So it can be cheaper than shopping online.
Actually, I haven’t used this hometown tax system yet, but now that I live in Japan, I’d definitely like to use it someday. My grandma and grandpa live in Hokkaido, and the food in Hokkaido is delicious … lol
What do you think of this tax system?
Have a nice day today as well. See you!