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あさラジオ Ep.28「期間限定(きかんげんてい)」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.28

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo










みなさん、「期間限定」という言葉を知っていますか?期間 = duration, term or period, 限定 = limited という意味です。例えば、日本は春になったら桜が咲きますね。だから、春にコンビニへ行くと、桜のお菓子、桜のお茶、桜のチョコレート、桜のタオル、などなど、この期間にだけ買える、特別な商品(product)がたくさんあるんです。これを、期間限定の商品といいます。つまり、期間限定というのは、ある特別な期間にしか買えない、という意味です。「期間限定」means limited edition, that you can buy only in a certain period of time.






コンビニの商品でも、季節によってデザインが全然違います。季節:season, 季節によって:depending on season


特に、日本には春夏秋冬の4つの季節がありますし、毎月色々な伝統的なイベント(伝統的な: traditional)があるので、会社も忙しそうですね。

1月は、もちろんお正月です。(お正月 = new year)お正月限定のデザインの商品がたくさんあります。

2月は節分があります(節分:the last day of winter)このイベントがある時は、特別なデザインの豆(bean)とか鬼(demon)のデザインのおかしが並びます。

3月はひな祭り、(girls festival)。これは伝統的な日本の古い行事(event)です。ひな祭りのデザインのタオルとか、ひな祭りにしか食べない特別なお寿司などが買えます。



5月は子供の日(Children’s day)です。このイベントでは鯉(carp)を使うので、季節は鯉(carp)のデザインがたくさん。

鯉のぼり(こいのぼり)carp flag


7月は七夕(Weaver festival)がありますから、星のデザインが多くなりますね。


9月はお月見(viewing the moon)のイベントがありますから、月とかもちのデザインが増えます。

10月は秋ですから、紅葉(autumn leaves)のデザインです。


12月はもちろん、クリスマス一色です。どこを見ても、クリスマス〜 クリスマス〜 です。


日本は忙しい国ですね。会社は毎月違うデザインの商品を売らなきゃいけないから大変です。でもそのおかげで、日本に住んでいると、コンビニに行くだけでその季節を感じることができます。Thanks to this culture, you can feel its season just by going to Kombini.





Monday, March 1, 2021 Today’s weather is sunny and cloudy. It was 8 degrees in the morning, but today’s highest temperature is 19 degrees. It’s warm! Looking out, the blue sky is spreading and it feels very good. How is the weather in your country? What did you do on the weekend? Let’s do our best together this week!

If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, check out my Instagram story. If you want to see the Asa Radio script, please check my homepage. There are Japanese and English scripts. Nice to meet you on Youtube!


Today’s topic is “Limited Time”.

Do you all know the word “limited time”? It means duration = duration, term or period, limited = limited. For example, in Japan, cherry blossoms bloom in spring. Therefore, when you go to a convenience store in the spring, there are many special products that you can buy only during this period, such as cherry blossom sweets, cherry blossom tea, cherry blossom chocolate, and cherry blossom towels. This is called a limited-time product. In other words, limited time means that you can only buy for a special period. “Limited edition” means limited edition, that you can buy only in a certain period of time. There are chocolates with a special Sakura design only from February to March! If you are told, you will want to buy it. This is a common business in Japan.


Do you sell limited-time candy, clothes, or other products in your country? In Japan, you can find limited-time items at various shops. Well, for example, Starbucks sells cups and coffee with different designs every month. Even at convenience stores, the design is completely different depending on the season. Season: season, depending on the season: depending on season ________

In particular, Japan has four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and there are various traditional events (traditional) every month, so the company seems to be busy.

January is, of course, the New Year. (New Year = new year) There are many products designed only for New Year. February has Setsubun (Setsubun: the last day of winter) When this event is held, specially designed beans and demons will be lined up. March is the Doll’s Festival (girls festival). This is a traditional Japanese old event. You can buy towels designed for the Doll’s Festival and special sushi that can only be eaten at the Doll’s Festival. April is cherry blossoms. You can see cherry blossom-designed products at convenience stores, shops, restaurants, and anywhere. May is Children’s day. Since carp is used at this event, there are many carp designs in the season. It will rain a lot in Japan in June, so it will be a rain design. There will be a Tanabata (Weaver festival) in July, so there will be more star designs. After all, August is a summer festival and fireworks! Fireworks: firework In September, there will be a viewing the moon event, so the number of designs for the moon and rice cake will increase. Since October is autumn, it is a design of autumn leaves. We are about to start preparing for Christmas in November, so you can see both Christmas and autumn leaves designs. Of course, December is all about Christmas. No matter where you look, it’s Christmas ~ Christmas ~.


Japan is a busy country, isn’t it? It’s hard because the company has to sell products with different designs every month. But thanks to that, if you live in Japan, you can feel the season just by going to a convenience store. Thanks to this culture, you can feel its season just by going to Kombini.

Thank you for listening today. I wish you a good week. See you.





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