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  • 執筆者の写真Momoko

あさラジオ Ep.27「日本のごみ🚮」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.27

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo


2021年2月26日(金)今日の天気は雨のちくもり。朝の気温は5度で、お昼は10度くらいになります。来週からもう3月ですね。時間が経つのは早いです。私は暖かい天気が好きなので、早く春になってほしい。春が待ち遠しいです。〜が待ち遠しい = can’t wait for です


日本に住んでいる人は知っていると思いますが、日本ではごみを分別しなければなりません。分別する = separate 、日本ではごみを種類に分けて、別々に回収するんです。(回収する = to collect)

In Japan, garbage is collected separately according to its type of garbage.

まずは、ごみの種類(variety, type)を確認してみましょう!


1つは燃えるごみ、可燃ごみとも言います。燃えるごみは、burnable ですね。たとえば食べ物や、紙、箱、小さいごみなど、これらはだいたい燃えるごみです。

2つ目は燃えないごみ、不燃ごみとも言います。Unburnable です。これは、プラスチック?いえいえ、違います。不燃ごみは、燃やさない方が良いごみです。例えば、金属(metal)とかですね。なべとか包丁(knife)などです。

3つ目は、プラスチックなどのリサイクルできるごみです。これは、住んでいる場所によってルールが違いますが、私が住んでいる街では、プラスチックやアルミ缶(a can)それから瓶(bottle, glass)も同じ袋に入れて、ごみを出します。汚れているプラスチックはちゃんと洗わなければなりません。You have to wash them if it’s dirty.

4つ目は資源ごみ。これもリサイクルできるごみですが、紙でできているものですね。たとえば新聞とか、段ボール(cardboard)とか、紙パック(juice box, carton)です。これも、汚かったらちゃんと洗って出します。

5つ目は、粗大ゴミです。粗大 = large-size refuse、大きくて、ごみの袋に入れられないものですね。大型ごみと呼ばれることもあります。例えば、冷蔵庫とか、大きいいすや机、ベッドやマットレス、それから色々な家電(home appliances)です。テレビもそうですね。これを捨てる時は、お金がかかります。これがけっこう高いんですよ。例えば冷蔵庫を捨てたい時は、3千円から5千円くらいかかります。だからお金を払いたくない人は、リサイクルショップとかに持って行ったり、友達にあげたりします。でも壊れていたらそうすることができないので、お金を払って捨てなければならないんですね。


いろいろな種類があって、けっこう面倒くさいですよね。(面倒くさい = 大変)

それに、日本ではだいたいごみを捨てられる日が決まっています。In Japan, the type of trash we can put out is decided by the city.




We are also required to buy specific trash bags that is decided by the city. これもね、あんまり安くないですよ。大きい袋は1枚50円とか、100円くらいかかります。




It is good for the environment and also we know that it will cost to take out our garbage, that can let us avoid wasting.




February 26, 2021 (Friday) Today’s weather is cloudy with rain. The temperature in the morning is 5 degrees, and in the afternoon it is about 10 degrees. It’s already March from next week. Time goes by quickly. I like warm weather, so I hope spring will come soon. I can’t wait for spring. I can’t wait = ca n’t wait for

Today’s topic is “garbage”. As anyone living in Japan knows, you have to separate garbage in Japan. Sorting = separate, in Japan, garbage is sorted by type and collected separately. (Collect = to collect) In Japan, garbage is collected separately according to its type of garbage.

First, let’s check the type of garbage (variety, type)!


One is also called combustible waste or combustible waste. Burnable garbage is burnable, isn’t it? For example, food, paper, boxes, small trash, etc., these are usually burnable trash. The second is also called non-burnable garbage or non-burnable garbage. It’s Unburnable. Is this plastic? No, it’s not. Non-burnable garbage is garbage that should not be burned. For example, metal. Such as pots and knives. The third is recyclable waste such as plastic. The rules for this differ depending on where you live, but in the city where I live, I put plastic and aluminum cans (a can) and bottles (bottle, glass) in the same bag and take out the garbage. Dirty plastic must be washed properly. You have to wash them if it ’s dirty. The fourth is recyclable waste. This is also recyclable garbage, but it is made of paper. For example, newspapers, cardboard, and paper packs (juice boxes, carton). If it is dirty, wash it out properly. The fifth is oversized garbage. Oversized = large-size refuse, it’s too big to put in a garbage bag. It is also called large garbage. For example, refrigerators, large chairs and desks, beds and mattresses, and various home appliances. So is TV. It costs money to throw it away. This is quite expensive. For example, if you want to throw away the refrigerator, it costs about 3,000 to 5,000 yen. So if you don’t want to pay, take it to a thrift shop or give it to a friend. But if it’s broken, you can’t do that, so you have to pay and throw it away.


There are various types, and it’s quite troublesome. (Troublesome = hard) Besides, in Japan, there are usually fixed days when garbage can be thrown away. In Japan, the type of trash we can put out is decided by the city. For example, put out burnable garbage on Monday, plastic on Tuesday, non-burnable garbage on Wednesday, burnable garbage again on Thursday, and recyclable garbage on Friday. The rules vary depending on the city you live in. What’s more, you need to buy a special garbage bag specified in the city where you live. We are also required to buy specific trash bags that is decided by the city. This is also not very cheap. A large bag costs about 50 yen or 100 yen.


But it’s good to separate the garbage, isn’t it? It’s good for the environment and knowing that it costs money, so you can avoid wasting things. It is good for the environment and also we know that it will cost to take out our garbage, that can let us avoid wasting.

I wish you a good day today! It’s Friday. Have a nice weekend. See you later.





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