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あさラジオ Ep.22「学校の校則(がっこうのこうそく)」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.22

📸 Instagram: momoko.nihongo










みなさん、「校則」を知っていますか?校則の「校」は学校の「校」で、則は「規則(rule )」の則です。


日本の学校は校則が厳しいところが多いです。とくに、中学校と高校の校則はかなり厳しいと思います。厳しい(= strict, harsh)






でも校則は少し厳しかったです。特に、外見(a look, appearance)。

髪を染めてはいけませんでした。(髪を染める、to dye hair)だからみんな、同じ色の髪でした。最初から茶色い髪の子は、入学する時に先生に報告しなければなりません。(If you have a natural brown hair, you have to tell your teacher when you enter the school.)

それから、ピアスホールを開けてはいけません。(You can’t open a ear hole for piercing)

もちろん、ネックレスとか指輪(ring)も禁止です(禁止 = it is forbidden)


つまり、おしゃれをしてはいけないんです。(おしゃれをする = to dress up, to be fashionable)

それから、私の高校には制服がありました(制服 = school uniform)

制服は、女の子はシャツを着てリボンをつけて、スカートをはくんですが、シャツは絶対に学校のマークが入った白いシャツ、それからみんなと同じリボン、そして長いスカートです。ひざから上に短くしてはいけません。(You can’t make your skirt above your knee length.)

やばいですよね。あと、一番いやだったのは、携帯電話を使ってはいけないということでした。携帯電話(cell phone)は、私たちの時はiPhoneではなく普通のガラケー(flip phone)を使っていましたが、その携帯で写真をとったり、電話をしたり、メールをしたりしてはいけませんでした。




例えば、男の子、女の子と付き合ってはいけない(You can’t date with someone)とか、靴下の色は白にしなきゃいけない。(You can wear only white socks)それから、髪を結ばなければいけない(結ぶ = to tie / You have to tie your hair if it’s long)


どうしてこんなに厳しいのかというと、まぁ学校が言うには(according to what school insists)、学校でルールを守る練習をして、大人になってから社会のルールをちゃんと守れるように、ルールを学ばせたい、そんな教育をしたい、という考えらしいですね。

ルールを守る(= to follow the rule, to keep the rule)、大人(adult)社会のルール(Social rule)学ぶ(to learn)教育(education)





もちろん、学校は勉強をするための場所ですが、それだけじゃないはずです。新しい友達と豊かな人間関係を作り上げたり、楽しいイベントに参加したり、新しいことに挑戦したりする場所です。(挑戦する = to try)





Thursday, February 18, 2021 Today’s weather is cloudy and sometimes snowy. Well, it’s cold today. The morning temperature is minus 2 degrees Celsius, and the maximum temperature is 4 degrees Celsius. My hands are cold. The time I woke up today is 7:30! Well, I actually got up at 7 o’clock, but I was in the futon for about 30 minutes. Lol

If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, check out my Instagram story. ^ If you want to see the Asa Radio script, please check my homepage. There are Japanese and English scripts. Nice to meet you on Youtube!

______ Today’s topic is “School Rules”

Do you know the “school rules”? The “school” of the school rules is the “school” of the school, and the rules are the rules of the “rule”. School rules are called school rules.

Many Japanese schools have strict school rules. In particular, I think the school rules for junior high school and high school are quite strict. Strict (= strict, harsh) Even when I was a high school student, it was pretty tough. I don’t know what high school is now, but … Today, I would like to talk to you about the school rules of Japanese schools.


First, let me tell you the school rules of high school when I was a high school student. By the way, my high school was a private school, and the level was reasonably good. But the school rules were a little strict. In particular, a look, appearance. You shouldn’t dye your hair. (To dye hair) So everyone had the same color. Children with brown hair from the beginning must report to the teacher at the time of admission. (If you have a natural brown hair, you have to tell your teacher when you enter the school.) Then don’t open the piercing hole. (You ca n’t open a ear hole for piercing) Of course, necklaces and rings are also prohibited (prohibition = it is forbidden) I shouldn’t have done manicure, pedicure or make-up. In other words, don’t be fashionable. (Fashionable = to dress up, to be fashionable) Then there was a uniform in my high school (uniform = school uniform) The uniform is that girls wear shirts, ribbons, and skirts, but the shirts are absolutely white shirts with the school mark, the same ribbons as everyone, and long skirts. Do not shorten above the knee. (You ca n’t make your skirt above your knee length.) It’s dangerous, isn’t it? Also, the most unpleasant thing was that I shouldn’t use a mobile phone. For cell phones, we used to use ordinary feature phones (flip phones) instead of iPhones, but don’t take pictures, make phone calls, or send emails on those mobile phones. did not. It was okay outside of school, but when my teacher found me inside school, they took my cellphone to school for about a week.


The school rules of my school were so strict, but other schools are even stricter. For example, you can’t date with someone, or the color of your socks should be white. (You can wear only white socks) Then you have to tie your hair (tie = to tie / You have to tie your hair if it ’s long) There are various things. It’s a little too strict, isn’t it?

The reason why it is so strict is that, as the school says (according to what school insists), I want to practice observing the rules at school and learn the rules so that I can properly follow the rules of society after becoming an adult. It seems that you want to have such an education. Obey the rules (= to follow the rule, to keep the rule), adults (adult) Social rules (to learn) Education (education) It seems that he wants to practice observing the rules and to learn the rules so that he can properly follow the rules of society after he grows up.

What do you guys think about this idea? I don’t think there is a need for such strict school rules. There is more than one social rule, isn’t it? There are different countries and societies, and their rules are different. Therefore, I don’t think that observing school rules will lead to learning social rules. Of course, school is a place to study, but it shouldn’t be the only one. It’s a place to build rich relationships with new friends, participate in fun events, and try new things. (Challenge = to try)

Recently, I think that the number of schools that are more free and have less strict school rules is increasing. The Japanese are too serious, so I wish I could have more freedom in school and society.

Yes, have a nice day today. See you!





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