Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.20
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📽 Youtube: Momoko To Nihongo Channel
私は特に何もしませんでした、Nothing special. ,普通の日でした。家族と散歩したり、ジョギングをしたり、本を読んだり、映画を見たりしました。
今から100年くらい前、初めて日本にバレンタインデーの文化が広まりました。その時、ちょうどアメリカでウーマン・リブ、Women’s Liberationの運動があって、日本はそれに影響を受けて(Japan was influenced by that movement of US)それで、バレンタインデーは男の人じゃなくて、女の人がプレゼントをするんだ!っていう考え方になったそうです。おもしろいですよね。
日本のバレンタインチョコには、いくつかの種類があります。We have some types of chocolates for the Valentin’s day.
まずは、「本命チョコ」。「本命」というのは、本当のターゲット、一番のお気に入り、the most favorite という意味です。つまり、本命チョコは、本当に一番好きな人にあげるチョコレートのことです。
「本命チョコ」is a chocolate gift of true love.
それから、「友チョコ」これは、「友達にあげるチョコレート」のことです。特に高校生の時は、私もたくさんの「友チョコ」を作って、友達にチョコレートを配っていました。(配る:to distribute)これは、だいたい女の子から女の子にあげるチョコレートですね。
そして「義理チョコ」、「義理」というのは、duty, obligation という意味なんですが、「義理チョコ」というのは、英語にすると courtesy chocolate みたいな意味になりますね。つまり、好きじゃない男の子、ただの友達としてしか見ていない男の子にあげる、チョコレートです。
でも、これはすごく日本人らしいなと思いました。That’s so Japanese.
だって、そのチョコレートが「本命チョコ」か「義理チョコ」か、なんて、言わなかったらわからないですよね。女の子は、たくさんの男の子にチョコをあげるけど、どれが本当の「本命チョコ」なのか、、、それは秘密にしておくんですね。(秘密 = secret )
Arigato Google Sensei
February 15, 2021 (Monday) Today’s weather is rainy. The current temperature is 12 degrees Celsius, and the maximum temperature is 15 degrees Celsius. It’s warm, but it will be cold again from tomorrow. Everyone, be careful not to get sick. Let’s do our best this week as well!
If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, check out my Instagram story. ^ If you want to see the Asa Radio script, please check my homepage. There are Japanese and English scripts. I’m planning to upload a new Youtube video today. Please see it.
Today’s topic is Valentine! February 14th was Valentine’s Day yesterday. What did you all do? I didn’t do anything special, Nothing special., It was a normal day. I took a walk with my family, jogging, reading a book, watching a movie. But I used to make Valentine’s chocolates a lot. Especially when I was in high school, I made a lot of chocolates and cookies for Valentine’s Day and gave them to my friends and my favorite boys.
Today I would like to talk about Japan’s strange (= strange) Valentine’s culture.
On Valentine’s Day in Japan, it is customary for boys to get chocolates. Girls give chocolates, boys get them. If you go to a supermarket or department store on Valentine’s Day, you can see many women buying chocolates. Usually, in other countries such as Europe, you give gifts, flowers, chocolates, etc. from men to women. But in Japan, women first give chocolates to men on Valentine’s Day.
About 100 years ago, the culture of Valentine’s Day first spread to Japan. At that time, there was a movement of Women’s Liberation in the United States, and Japan was influenced by that movement of US, so Valentine’s Day was not a man, but a woman. Give a present! It seems that it became the idea. It’s interesting, isn’t it?
______ There are several types of Valentine’s chocolate in Japan. We have some types of chocolates for the Valentin ’s day. First of all, “favorite chocolate”. “Favorite” means the real target, the most favorite. In other words, Honmei Choco is the chocolate that you give to the person you really like the most. “Honmei choco” is a chocolate gift of true love.
Then, “Tomo chocolate” This is “chocolate to give to friends”. Especially when I was in high school, I made a lot of “friend chocolates” and distributed chocolates to my friends. (Distribute: to distribute) This is the chocolate that girls give to girls. But if the chocolate that girls really like is the “favorite chocolate”.
And “Giri choco” and “Giri” mean duty, obligation, but “Giri choco” means something like courtesy chocolate in English. In other words, it’s chocolate for boys who don’t like it, boys who only see it as friends. My friend’s boy feels sorry if he doesn’t get the chocolate, so he gives the boy “in-law” chocolate. It’s a really strange culture. Lol
But I thought this was very Japanese. That ’s so Japanese. After all, if you don’t say whether the chocolate is “Honmei choco” or “giri choco”, you wouldn’t know. Girls give chocolates to many boys, but which one is the real “favorite chocolate” … I keep it a secret. (Secret = secret)
Have a nice day today as well. It’s Monday, let’s do our best together this week for a week! See you.