Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.16
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今日のトピックは「恋愛(れんあい)」です。恋愛 = love, to love with each other は、恋愛するといいます。To go out, to become a couple は付き合うです。
日本には「告白をする」という文化があります。We have a culture or more like a custom of making a confession. 好きな人がいたら、告白をして、それから手を繋いだりキスをしたりし始めます。
手を繋ぐ = to hold hands
たぶん一番大きい理由は、告白をされると安心できるから、だと思います。You can be assured that you are confessed that he/she loves you, it makes you relieved.
日本では、軽い関係(casual relationship)に対して、あまりいいイメージがありませんね。
軽い関係 = casual relationship ですが、serious relationshipは、真剣な付き合いとか、まじめな付き合い、本気の付き合いと言います。
それから、to play someoneは、遊ぶです。男の人/女の人と遊びで恋愛をする、遊びの関係で終わる、というのは、周りから見たらあまりいいイメージがないです。
ですから、ちゃんとキスとかする前に告白をすると、「この人は本気なんだ」って思われて、信頼してもらえるんですね。(信頼する = to trust)You will be trusted. 日本人はまじめですね。
こだわる = to take it too seriously, 大人(adult)は告白にこだわらないです。たぶん。笑
Arigato Google Sensei
Why do Japanese people make confessions?
Today’s topic is “romance”. Love = love, to love with each other is called love. To go out, to become a couple are dating.
Well, yesterday’s topic was “marriage”, so today I would like to go with “romance”.
It seems that there are many surprises when a foreigner falls in love with a Japanese person.
There is a culture of “confessing” in Japan. We have a culture or more like a custom of making a confession. If you like it, confess it and then start holding hands and kissing.
Hold hands = to hold hands
Is Japan the only culture that makes this confession? What about other countries?
I lived in the Czech Republic, but my Czech friend said he wouldn’t confess when dating.
Why is there a culture in which Japanese people make confessions?
In Japan, if you kiss without confessing, you will be wondered, “Do you like me or are you just playing?”
If I suddenly get a kiss or hug, I’ll be a little surprised. that? Does this person like me? But I haven’t confessed …
I think the biggest reason is probably that you can rest assured that you will be confessed. You can be assured that you are confessed that he / she loves you, it makes you relieved.
In Japan, I don’t have a very good image of a casual relationship.
A casual relationship is a casual relationship, but a serious relationship is a serious relationship, a serious relationship, or a serious relationship.
Then to play someone is to play. I don’t have a good image from the people around me that I have a romance with a man / woman and end up with a play relationship.
Therefore, if you confess before you kiss properly, you will think that “this person is serious” and you will be trusted. (Trust = to trust) You will be trusted. I wonder Japanese people are taking it so seriously.
But, of course, even Japanese people have different ways of thinking.
I think there are many Japanese people who do not confess, and many who think that they do not have to confess.
In particular, many people do not stick to confession after becoming an adult.
Stick = to take it too seriously, adults don’t stick to confession. maybe. Lol
Yes, have a nice day today.
See you!