Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.1
今日からMomoko To Nihongo あさラジオ、始まります!
それから、毎日インスタグラムのストーリーで、私のPodcastのトピックを募集したいと思います。募集する means to recruit, but in this case トピックを募集する means to collect or gather topics from you. 私のPodcastのトピックがほしいので、いいトピックがあったら、トピックを募集したいと思います。みなさん、よろしくお願いします。
ところで、by the way, ところで、みんな、カフェラテと、カプチーノと、カフェオレの違い difference を知っていますか?
カフェラテ:まずエスプレッソを作って、そのエスプレッソに、暖かい牛乳(hot warm milk)80%くらいいれます。これがカフェラテ。
カプチーノ:まずエスプレッソを作って、暖かい牛乳をあわ立てます。あわ立てるは、泡を作る、to make a milk froth or creamy form これは泡立てる、牛乳を泡立てる、といいます。カプチーノの牛乳はスチームであわだてますね。これを入れたら、カプチーノになります。
You can find a script of my Asa Radio on my website.
Google Sensei’s Translation:
Good morning everyone.
Friday, January 15, 2021 The weather in Kyoto today is sunny. The current temperature is -1 degree. It’s cold. But it seems that it will be 12 degrees around noon.
The time I woke up today is 6:50.
Momoko To Nihongo Asa Radio will start today!
On this radio, I’ll talk about small talks and simple short stories.
Listen to this radio every morning and have a good day.
I’m a little bad at getting up early in the morning, and I usually get up at 8 or 9 o’clock, but sometimes I get up at 9:30 or 10 o’clock on days when I don’t have work.
But I really want to get up much earlier.
That’s why I started this Asa Radio. May I get up early.
I’ll do my best every day and get up early, so please give it a try.
Then I would like to recruit my podcast topics every day on Instagram stories. Recruiting means to recruit, but in this case Recruiting topics means to collect or gather topics from you. I want a topic for my podcast, so if you have a good topic, I would like to recruit a topic. It is nice to meet you.
By the way, today’s topic is coffee. Do you like coffee?
There are many types of coffee. Drip coffee, American coffee, espresso, instant coffee, Vietnamese coffee, Brazilian coffee, etc.
Well, it looks delicious. What kind of coffee do you like best?
I like latte the best.
By the way, by the way, by the way, do you all know the difference between cafe latte, cappuccino and cafe au lait?
Let me tell you the difference today.
Caffe latte: First, make an espresso and add about 80% of hot warm milk to the espresso. This is a cafe latte.
Cappuccino: First, make an espresso and make warm milk. To make a milk froth or creamy form This is called frothing, frothing milk. Cappuccino’s milk is steamed. If you put this in, it will be cappuccino.
Cafe au lait: I make drip coffee, not espresso. Add about 50% of warm milk to the drip coffee and black coffee. This is cafe au lait.
Did you guys understand?
Today’s topic was “coffee”. If you have any simple topics, please let me know on my Instagram.
Also check out my homepage for Asa Radio scripts.
You can find a script of my Asa Radio on my website.
Then, please spend a wonderful day today.